BIMming It

I feel like they had a good 4+ years of leading everyone around by their noses... but after Jan. 6th, the mob is driving itself now and any attempts to redirect them are going to put a target on your back.

But what kind of super-asshole would ever be able to step in and replace him at a moments notice?

The difference, of course, being that the United States has worked hard to safeguard the health and trust of White America by exploiting Black America.

But how can they even be sure that pedophiles are there?

That’s not a dent... that’s just the end.  Maaaaybe they’ve got a AAA contract, but that’s probably hanging in the balance now too... and it’s not like people just randomly call tow truck companies for personal use.

Oh god, I can only begin to imagine what the last 18 months have been like for you.   Thanks for doing what you do!  As someone who works in the construction field, I know how important it is.

I just came back a little over a month ago, and stopped playing after Shadowkeep. There are definitely a lot of good QOL improvements, but it’s still got that ‘oh my god, there’s just so much to re-learn’ thing going for it. Probably took me a good 2 weeks before I really knew what I was doing/chasing again.

Glad to hear it, and admire the effort.  I still believe there is benefit in making the effort, I just have no energy to do it or tolerance for their willful ignorance.  Kudos!

Yeah, this is one of the rare instances where I’ve canceled someone before I knew who they were... because the first thing I heard about him was the last thing I ever want to hear about him.

Comments should be a free place to discuss things pertinent to the article without persecution, no?”

If I still spoke to these kind of people, this would be good advice.  Unfortunately, for my own mental health, I’ve just accepted that I need to keep my distance from them until they die.

Yeah, it’s a bit of both I think. Trump understands (or at least has people that understand) what motivates the mouth-breathers and what the ‘reasonable’ Republican can stomache... which is mostly just an avalanche of racist and sexist and xenophobic bullshit and projection of fears.

Carrie Bradshaw’s “new best friend.”

lmao, I’m starting to see why he hates your very existence... because you are annoying, ignorant and desperate.

You need to preface going into a discussion next time with that, would have saved quite a bit of time”

There is zero chance they came home because they ran broke... they get paid trivial amounts of money for these positions. I think the reality is that there was no movement in Congress to stop these things at the federal level and they can’t hold out indefinitely without it costing them politically. Basically, they

At this point, I think he’s just referring to the fact that he has typed something... he’s ‘authored’ it, which means it was author-itative. Why he thinks that typing something makes it true, I honestly don’t even care to know.

What part of replying to Dead Elvis did you miss?”

It’s honestly pretty entertaining for me... only because I have no stake in the game. If they want to do this religion ‘trolling’, and continue to humiliate themselves, I’m happy to oblige. It’s been a fairly slow work week, I’m out of shows to watch and it’s kinda funny to see someone demonstrate absolute ignorance