because the death of Matthew Shepard was not about straight people.
because the death of Matthew Shepard was not about straight people.
I'm regularly shocked at the completely disingenuous and ham-fisted attempts to pretend the dangers posed by Christian fundamentalism is the same as Islamic fundamentalism, by otherwise intelligent people. Christian fundamentalism is dangerous but operates generally through law. They try to buy influence to…
Don't forget that there are also christians out there who are totally fucking nuts, who blow up womens' health clinics, kill people for Jeezus, or abuse the laws of their countries to refuse to recognize "the heathens" and deny them basic rights.
Also, you do realize that there is a draw Mohammed day each year, right? On May 20th? And thousands and thousands of people draw Mohammed, and post their pictures online — people make fun of the very religion you hold up as the example of foreign barbarism, even as some of it's most batshit deranged adherents are…
In every other civilised country (not the US), when cops are attacked, the perps are subdued by non-lethal means. It's only in the US that police tend to respond with extra-judicial execution at the drop of a hat.
I know someone working on this show, and they told me that Heigl, and in particular her awful mother, are insufferable, rude, graceless and charmless. Nothing at all to do with being 'an outspoken woman'.
I think they actually have been hacked, though. Look at the new FB post; it's a weird one about big/small tits.
DAT A$$!!!
Oh weird! I always see US celebs wearing Topshop, I just assumed it was part of the sartorial milieu over there (plus there's the NYC store, but I guess that's not indicative of the rest of the country).
Hmmm. This is where the trans-atlantic divide becomes apparent; short shorts for men are already mainstreamed here in the UK, especially chino shorts. As for denim shorts, I think they look great on most men! Not Tobias-style cut-offs, obvs, but rolled up denim shorts is a cute look. And again popular here in the…
It doesn't actually come within the ambit of the offence of rape as per the Indian Penal Code. The legal definition of rape needs to be reformed urgently to explicitly incorporate marital rape.
Science must fit IDEOLOGY.
You don't need lettuce for a salad; I'm much prefer chopping up yummy salad vegetables, drizzling some balsamic on it and munching away.
I hate it so much :'( In Britain we associate the annoying uptalk at the end of each sentence with Australians, rather than US valley girls. There is no misogyny: it's just fucking annoying hearing someone turn every statement into a question.
I didn't find it offensive because her delivery was incredibly awkward and it was clearly written for her by a team of 12 scriptwriters. Nothing she did on stage felt genuine or spontaneous! My take on it was she was talking about drugging people with MDMA, rather than roofying them. Either way: gross.
I do not like her, but I watched her perform on Friday and was surprised that she could actually sing reasonably well. I just assumed she was a Britney Spears type done-deaf mimer.
I was there at Heaven on Friday, and while her performance was a total spectacle, she came across as SO DESPERATE. Everything she said sounded so designed to shock, but it was all clearly written by a committee. She kept saying 'fuck' all the time and talked about how she was 'drunk as shit', and and it was all very…
Uh, considering she's incapable of forming a coherent sentence when speaking, I doubt very much she penned that. Hats off to her publicist and ghost-writer, however!
Trying someone multiple times for the same crime is barbaric. We don't do it, and we're better than anyone who does.