
I had a guy do similar to me, 6 dates and I broke it off as I found myself becoming increasingly intimidated by him and how intense he was being. I was super careful to let him down gently, told him I just “wasn’t feeling it” and from what he had told me, we had different life goals (his included many children, mine

Just as an aside to all of this, one of the stories linked says the guy walked in through an unlocked back door. Kids, please: lock your doors. I know you feel like nothing can happen to you at that age, but even if you feel like it’s unnecessary, please please pleasepleaseplease lock your doors. In college my brother

A guy asked me out: he was in my class, handsome and funny, very clever. We dated, and at each point I felt under so much pressure to conform to his ideal person. He would get pissed for petty reasons, denigrate me, a few times he physically hurt me during sex way past the point of enjoyable. He was completely

My friend was dating a very controlling guy in college.

Have you had your sarcasm detector calibrated recently? If so, they messed up.

I want a woman for president too but I don’t want to feel like I am GIVING someone something just because of their gender. That is what I, personally, would be doing with Hillary because my beliefs are FARRRRR more in line with Bernie, I like his conviction and I like how seriously he takes himself and his job. I

I’m only slightly older than you are, and IDGAF if our president is male or female. I want a president who represents ME and my lower middle class values. I don’t ask for much!

Anybody but the GOP.

Well, I’d love to have a Female President in my lifetime, but I can’t in good conscience vote for someone I feel has zero integrity. I’m past the point where I willing to vote for someone I don’t like because it’s strategically advantageous to do so. I’m supporting Sanders because he aligns with ALL my values, which

People should not get to be president just because they are a woman. Nor should they be president just because “it’s their turn.” This isn’t the playground where everyone gets their turn on the swingset. This isn’t a monarchy where it’s so-and-so’s “turn” to have the throne.

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this video kind looks like them? Adjust colors to your preference of course.

I’ve seen those New York values. RATS STEALING ALL YOUR PIZZA. Shameful.

Yeah, that's getting molded into a sex toy for Log Cabin Republicans.

This should really be hidden and tagged NSFW, guys.

as creepy as their marriage started out, i think they truly loved each other. my condolences, celine.

Sorry, Sara, Be glad it wasn’t a deer.

That seems a little melodramatic. How much business are you really going to lose if you close the office for 30 minutes?

It should be a mantra: It wasn’t our fault. It wasn’t our fault...

I do. Thank you. Honestly, this whole thread has been really incredible for me. Knowing that I’m not alone in this, it means a lot. I hope it helps other people too.

I’m glad it gave you an AHA moment, although obviously I wish your ex hadn’t abused you! Abuse just doesn’t always look like you expect it will. I think that goes for my kind of situation and also definitely for yours. Men can and are abused all the time, in same sex or opposite sex relationships.