would have went
would have went
I am the dumbest thing in my kitchen.
I’m really against personally owning a gun even if it’s just to have around my work space.
I use mine to make baked egg brunches. Put a couple of tablespoons of salsa in the bottom, crack two eggs on top, and then sprinkle it with tex mex cheese. Bake until the yolks are how you like them. Dip toast in it. Mmmm... You can also make it more Italian-flavoured by using marinara and parmigiano cheese instead.
I could actually use one of those corn kerneler things.
SW here!
A few weeks ago I was at my friend Julie’s house for dinner when we were attacking a cheese plate with these…
I just can’t wait for a religious freedom law passes and these guys have to fumble when the first doctor comes forward saying that providing abortions is a part of his sincerely held religious belief so the government can’t stop him from doing so.
Hey look, guys! We found one!
if you’re actively parenting and trying to control the situation, reasonable people will have patience with you and the child.
Guys. We need to start a health insurance company for these loonies and take all their money and then laugh at them. We’ll secretly donate it all to Planned Parenthood and Wendy Davis.
Why are the people most determined to reproduce always the last people who should be reproducing?
Well, I’m sure this won’t be a contentious discussion at all.
THIS RIGHT HERE is why officers need de-escalation training.
Clinton or Sanders when neither has adequately addressed this urgent problem.
I got no sympathy for the last story. It’s not even WTF worthy. Walk your lazy ass to the restaurant, three blocks is not a fucking Arctic expedition.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…