1) Suck in stomach while wearing a bikini at a public beach
1) Suck in stomach while wearing a bikini at a public beach
I let out an audible gasp when I read that line. How SICK does one have to be to find BABIES sexually attractive. Like...no.
I was going to make a joke here , maybe about how this sack of shit looks like one of the War Boys from the new Mad Max movie. Well i just can’t. This whole story just gets worse and more digusting with every new development. Over on Gawker i’m already seeing Duggar backlash. Why are you still coveirng this? Move on…
I grew up in SA, that whole town has no sense of humor. Also we will not have any teachers left if we keep trying to police their private lives. If the teacher had these posted around the classroom, ok you can object. They’re on an Internet account not affiliated with the school? Then sit down and shut the fuck up.
Peter Walters of Pendleton, Oregon is furious. Last week, his fair city passed an amendment which bans marijuana…
45. Writes self serving humblebrag posts on Jezebel and shows wife all the stars he got because he’s an awesome feminist.
White privilege is having agents of the state and a presidential candidate protect you despite being an incestuous child rapist. Imagine if this dude wasn’t a white guy. It’s truly baffling so many people are unwilling/unable to have a modicum of empathy for people like Tamir Rice but are more than willing to defend…
“Big brother said he was super duper sorry for touching your boobies, now forgive him like a good little Christian girl.”
Never forget, folks: The Learning Channel was originally founded by NASA and the Dept of Health, Education and Welfare.
The Learning Channel used to have shows that helped adults learn how to read. They had kid friendly programming like “Paleoworld” that taught all about dinosaurs.
In the mid to late ‘90s it started…
I’d take it further than simply cancelling the Duggar’s show and shutter TLC altogether.
Yo, it made a little kid with cancer feel happy and special. It made people feel good to make him feel good. Is it going to cure cancer? No. But Big Bird calling that little kid with leukemia didn’t cure him of cancer, either, but I’m still so glad he did it. Like, there is a time and a place to talk about the issues…
How is people coming together in a positive way EVER a thing to hate on? Joy heals the world.
An order of protection wouldn’t have prevented him from murdering her.
So much this.
As someone who’s worn a collar, though not in public...keep your concern to yourself. She’s clearly happy and consenting.
Consenting adults? A’ight then. You do you.
A 36 year old actress would be cast as the mother of a 32 year old male lead.
37-year-old Maggie Gyllenhaal was recently told by a Hollywood producer that she was “too old” to play the love…
i have already seen this, little flower.