
*shifty eyes* It's 11 colors in total. I may have an obsession with eyeshadow.

I could never pull this off, and I am very upset about it.

Has anybody else had the experience of doctors being super cagey or downright dismissive about the side effects of antidepressants? I was one some for a short while and I'm the kind of obnoxious patient who will ask a million questions about meds and because I have a science background my other (nonpysch) doctors have

You've got a great point. Women shouldn't do anything provocative for fear of social repercussions of her children.

Jan74, really? I expect more from you non-grays.

I threw in $100 to a GoFundMe for the shop because that's where my bridesmaids bought their dresses for my wedding. It's a nice shop with very lovely staff and it's good to know that Anna will be able to carry on!

I was really hoping the shop would be saved because people pulled their heads out of their asses and started shopping there again.

HAHAHAHAHA OMG I literally can't believe that people called the fucking store and asked if someone DIED OF EBOLA INSIDE THE STORE. Died. Of. Ebola. Inside. The. Store. People in this country are the stupidest.

I would shop there! I would LOVE to tell everyone (especially annoying family members) that my dress is from the EBOLA STORE. Maybe nobody would want to shop there with me, meaning I could try dresses on in peace without hearing my supposed loved ones judging my dress choices and body like Simon effing Cowell.

This would be a great plan....except that I really don't have much faith in our political system. Now with key parts of the Voting Rights Act struck down, its just that much harder for the poor and minorities to vote. This shit could back fire and we might end up with a republican president.

... so if the fetus is anesthetized and can't feel "pain" then abortion is totally okay then? is that what they're saying? Did they just give us a green light? I'm getting mixed signals here.

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

He knows where that number comes from; he pulled it out of his ass.

People who believe one can live large on unemployment have probably never had to figure out how to live on unemployment.

And kudos on that awesome screen name. Can I ask the inspiration?

Aw, he's deleting comments. Somebody's cranky.

I think a 30 year old getting an allowance from their parents takes them pretty much out of my "sexy" column.