
As a pilot and storm chaser myself, I would say this is an insane act. Lightning strikes can happen 50 miles away from a storm center. Lightning is something you just do not mess with or take chances with. Definitely a Darwin candidate.

The comparison was conducted hypothetically

Her hair looks beautiful, and I can’t imagine what actual problem there could be with it. Zara have opened themselves up to some serious problems here I think. Unless they have an actual “no braids” policy, which I highly doubt they do.

Luke and Mara Jade. When Luke was training new Jedi, Kylo Ren turns on them and murders several including Mara Jade. Luke fearing for his daughter and mourning over his lost wife exiles himself for his failure. As well his daughter, so that she also is not threatened by Kylo. Knowing otherwise with Kylo fighting to

The husband just released this statement. I’m just about in tears because he seems so genuinely NICE and in love with her:

We have eleven but we’re only able to put one or two out to sea at any given time. Our navy is ridiculously impressive, but we shouldn’t pretend it’s not subject to atrophy due to lack of funding and poor political management.

I won’t say “I’m not racist, but...” because there is no but about it. My support of the Confederate flag as a Southern man is completely compatible in my mind with my feeling of complete brotherhood and support for the Americans of African descent I live and work with. I will explain why.

Many Southerners call the

An aircraft like this can be summed up in one word deadly you take f-35 tech and put it on a proven platform that's low cost like an F-16 you have one efficient strike platform which won't break the bank something the Pentagon should be thinking about rather than placing all their eggs in one f-35 basket..

Cool, then you can go to the antarctic to loose weight with that logic. Who's the moron the fool that follows one or the one calling it out.

The current administration is absolutely against the coal industry for economic gain and political power. There are no replacements in place for the generating station closing down and beyond high energy cost, this will most likely be the first year you see rolling blackouts in the US. This will cause a political

WEll it looks like many of you understand the problems..