
The Democrats have outed, boycotted, just spouted hate always towards the right wing media and now a Trump does the same and the left complains. About time the right starts getting some kahunas.

Uh, the libs have said the world is suppose to collapse and be destyroyed in say ten years since the 1920's. Al Gore noted the Ice caps were suppose to alreeady completely melted and flooded the world catastrophically., after he invented the internet of course. No wonder no one is seriously giving this attention right

From the daughter who illegally stole his blood and tried to sell it to fans and has other documented court cases with her father. Disney would never want to touch her with a ten foot pole, she is a screwball.

Should the ship capsize, the red stands out as well.

No proof of tech and media bias? Laughable.

Funny thing. California had those water reservoirs in place and destroyed them to save the ecology. And destroyed new ecology systems that sprung up from those water systems to save old ecology that were no longer existent, but may kinda could be...

It’s top top leadership that is the problem. When you buy a valuable asset like ThinkGeek and then liquidate it at a loss, you are the problem, not ThinkGeek. The same for their business model. You have to offer a unique product or service to survive. They have somewhat of a unique product but do not know how to market

Uh, so should lapped racers just be kicked out at that point they get lapped? If not, let them race and try to gain back a position. Pretty simple really.

Did anyone there think about if the object had any sort of out gassing / breaking up of material, it could have slowed or sped up still holding on the same trajectory? I know the odds should be extremely low, but when people assume....

Spirited Away is a better film. 

That’s just Oil production. Davis Besse nuclear power plant was designed to last 20 years back in the 70's. I have talked to pipe fitters talking about impossible repairs being done on areas never meant too have such done. People have no idea of of the dangers and what is happening behind the scenes of this nations

The fuel system of the SR-71 was also multi functional. It was in a gel form in fueling to prevent leaking since the aircraft has to stretch in flight and the tanks sealed as it stretched. The fuel was pumped through the wings and liquefied as it took heat from the friction of high speed flight, cooling the air frame.

So, you are saying a staff member, not Trump had moved the tree for quarantine and destroyed it from there. But you get to blame Trump and call him stupid for it.  And since most of the staff are DC liberals, may have even been purposefully done. And you get to blame Trump for it. Nice.

I think Climate deniers know that changes are happening, just that they are natural occurrences or with a bit of tweaking with mankind’s help and not the issue politically it is made out to be.

Two issues with that. First, Apollo used engineering that was sometimes classified and never unclassified. Since the program was hurried into motion and cancelled, much of the designs and data were thrown away afterwards with no thought to the future, as well the employees fired with no forethought to the future of

Actually, most of these unusual outbreaks IS on the account of un-vetted  illegal immigrants according to CDC records. One of the problems with releasing third country immigrants without vetting is that we are now seeing a huge amount of outbreaks of third world diseases that were previously eliminated here in the

My brother and I competed in Gymnastics in the 80's on a national level. The way to get a top score was getting points for difficulty which meant gymnast were always trying to take it to the next level to gain an advantage. By the late 70's, I don’t believe there was a gymnast in the top levels that had not injured

Some cats are extremely intelligent, some are not. My grey tabby has a 10 word vocabulary it understands. My previous orange tabby had about a 50 plus word vocabulary that it understood. Both talk back to my family when we speak to them with vocal infliction sometimes. A loving relationship is key to emoting

Having umpired slower high school games, all umpires are required to wear the same protection as the players. Still hurts even with the gear when you take a hit.  He would have not walked it off if he had not done so. 

We have had two newer Pyrex glass containers shatter on us.  Never filed a report, thought it had to be something we did wrong.  This is quite an eye opener.  I bet as well there are thousands of people like up that just accounted such to a fluke like we did.