
My first ticket I ever got was for speeding in a 35 mph zone at night.

There is a tremendous reason why to stop in 2025. Budget. There is a real push for once to go back to the moon and plan for Mars. That cannot be done at the same time we are funding the ISS. We finally have a president who is spending on space and laying out a serious future, that means changes are going to take

The two big reason for not purchasing is cost and safety. To counter such, Harley should look at producing a motorized bicycle similar to the original Harley for around $ 2000. Meant to be used for short distances and at an economic price, a stylized high powered moped. ( Many states consider any motorized bicycle

Yo, Astro, down buddy down, sit. When he says something figuratively, you can’t take it literally just to show political bias, it makes this site look stupidly activist. This is bad enough to make even a Jetson face palm.

Yep, remember watching this in high school with the media blasting if Reagan got re-elected, this is what would happen. It was pure liberal dribble scare tactics to try to influence the election.

The Politically Correct Highway, always under construction.

The problem is that you are trying to apply today’s standards to a time where the enviroment and values were entirelyt different and judging that time to today’s standards.

Whenever you see strengths that allow a person to take a large amount of force, you are probably looking at that person being on some type of medication or drugs. Given the timing of his actions, it certainly looks like that could be the case. I have a feeling there is much more to this than just what was noted, looks

I had an Alliance in college in the early 90's and it was a good car, even in the Ohio winters. It was like riding in a top quality tin can. The plastic interior was thick and solid. The exterior with car, did not rust and held up well. Basic car upkeep kept the car running on the cheap. The worst repair was my

The reason municipalities enforce property care is that you get vermin that can cause damage to neighborhoods as well increase the risk of disease.

My goodness what a scandal! Someone so knowledgable that they actually had the nerve to put stock in something they had an interest in. Next thing you know, you will have major defense stockholders and shareholder that ACTUALLY work in the industry. Horiffying, better do like the last administration and get people

If you are an active pilot near an Air National Guard base or part of the Civil Air Patrol, you have the chance of getting asked by ATC to work with the military for an in air intercept exercise. Pretty incredible to see up close, looks like the fighters are just hanging there in the sky, although they are usually

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what

This is the mentality and logic you get when you have no value for humanity any longer. What a wonderful society we are becoming...

2002 a little old lady ran an intersection and t-boned me at 40 mph. It shattered 3 vertebrae in my neck as well blew the disc in my lower back. A year in a neck brace, two major surgeries and a host of smaller surgeries. She had the minimum Ohio insurance and my decent coverage did not even begin to pay the bills.

You really did not read my post did you. Leave Vtoil to a specialty aircraft, not the F-35 and certainly not the F-22 which was never designed as such or anything near what I said. (your poor assumption, not my statement)  Go back to mission specialty designs.

At this point, go back to the F-22, it was cheaper than the F-35 and much more capable. The Vtol takeoff capability would best be left to a specialty air frame. A jack of all trades plane the F-35 was supposed to be is just as silly as the articles premise is. As for the F-22, it would take 10 years to get back into

The F-15 Silent Eagle and F-16V both 4.5 generation aircraft are already designed and ready for or in production at this time and will hold their own in any modern air force as well against the F-35 for far less money.   As for the F-22, it would take 10 years to get it back into production and it would be less

The “Star Trek” car:

I just got out of my car was heading into work one day when a Corvette doing over 100 miles per hour chased by police hit a pole nearby. It was pulverized, other than a mangled engine block, nothing much left. Happened about 200 feet away. The drivers foot still in the shoe landed a few feet away from me. Had to flag