Exchange Andrew for Anne Sacoolas, the American diplomat’s wife who killed that British kid while driving on the wrong side of the road and then fled the country. It won’t happen, but it’d be nice if it did.
Exchange Andrew for Anne Sacoolas, the American diplomat’s wife who killed that British kid while driving on the wrong side of the road and then fled the country. It won’t happen, but it’d be nice if it did.
I really can’t advise taking that tone with police. You shouldn’t be, but in custody you’re at their mercy. They have ways to get even. Even if you don’t end up brutalized your helpful sorry-to-be-a-bother-but-I’m-going-to-exert-my-rights-here gee shucks attitude can be the difference between petty revenge like…
arguing that this mass grassroots uprising against police brutality and white supremacy is actually some sort of top-down conspiracy coordinated by wealthy elites
“But, I do have a raised eyebrow for this woman quoted above.” the person you responded to was talking about Kamryn’s mom, for letting Kamryn stay on Dance Mom’s, not to you.
I’m REALLY getting tired of the tone of Dirt Bag being shitty to people who don’t deserve it...
For real, if she kept her head down and her mouth shut she wouldn’t have gotten any pushback. But trying to say the right thing and phrasing it awkwardly makes her headline material, apparently.
Yeah, I agree. He overdosed on heroin. He was battling serious issues. She isn’t to blame for that no matter how much of a terror she may have been.
The average Grey’s fan is probably not much of an activist. They’re not likely to be particularly racist, considering it’s a Shonda show, but they might be complacent and think “Look at this show I love, with all these diverse actors! There can’t be that much racism if this popular show has lots of black doctors!”
Yeah, that’s super unfair to blame an addict’s relapse on their significant other.
The fact that they’ve *more than once* mocked celebrities who are encouraging people to register and vote
I am really struggling with what is going on with these Jezebel writers lately. They are just shitting on people for ridiculous reasons, blatantly missing the point, and from the comments it’s more than obvious that they are entirely out of touch with their audience. The fact that they’ve *more than once* mocked…
If Lea Michele was that shitty even as a kid, you gotta wonder what her own childhood was like, what kind godawful stage parents she had. Not excusing her apparently lifelong mean girl behaviour, just curious re: her upbringing.
Precisely. And like...we (and certainly the writer here) are not the target audience for that statement. The target audience is the White People Who Still Just Do Not Fucking GET IT — the ones who minimize the issue, and make excuses, and rationalize the heavy police/military presence, and assume that anyone who is…
So you’re mad at her for going to a rally and talking about what’s happening? I keep seeing people being mad about silence, but then people who do speak are still attacked? And this is why people don’t want to speak about this, because there are people who will attack them no matter what they say. You’re not helping…
I could be unfairly giving Ellen Pompeo the benefit of the doubt here, but it seems to me that she specifically posted this to call out the racism and hypocrisy of having excess police presence/militarization at a protest about black people dying due to racism and excessive police force. This seems like an…
At a time when we are witnessing our police become brazenly lawless against peaceful protesters, we should absolutely be screaming about all of these very alarming things that they are doing. Plus, I’m pretty sure Ellen Pompeo has previously spoken about racial justice, but go ahead with your snark, I guess.
..... Ellen, I really hope that’s a rhetorical question because the answer is extremely obvious.
I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...
That paragraph was perfect. It is also how I felt about Set it up. We’re in a new genre of tokenism where POC can be the largest characters in promotion but still a footnote in their own story. Heavy hitters of color who have managed to break through industry walls (through a number of means, incl amazing fam…
Agree, that moment on Project Runway when a contestant made the Ivanka and Jared comment and all the judges were so aghast and horrified that anyone dare attack pour innocent Karlie thusly was the worst! She’s not a victim here and the whole thing just reeked of the old gaslighting ‘civility’ argument. Yes it’s…