
My first reaction to the story was anger. Your comment make me stop and rethink. Much respect to you as always.

So no one’s going to post that image huh? Ok, I’ll bite. Whenever I think of them I think of this picture and the bowls full of cigarettes at their wedding.

At minimum, someone who wasn’t in their mid 20s when she was a famous toddler. I’m not against all May-December romances, but the Olsen twins are so petite and childish looking (when they’re not style to look 80) that seeing them paired up with much older men looked squicky.

I know MK Olsen was an adult when she hooked up with Sarkozy, but they were a creepy looking couple on par with Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson.  The pap photos when they were accompanied by his teen daughter were particularly disturbing.

I have a friend who found their way into her broad circle within the past couple years due to a high-profile media job in New York. This friend has become almost unbearable to interact with—they’ve become so self-conscious and so concerned with being cool, it’s like talking to a teenager.

I don’t know how anyone could be surprised by this. The New York food writer scene is absolutely dominated by elitist, classist assholes. It is a constant contest to see who can be the most highbrow, have the best, most unexpected taste (that still conforms to a set of standards of what is and is not acceptable—e.g.,

I’m not a fan of Teigan, who seems mostly famous for being famous. I am agnostic on Kondo, except that rash of articles last winter about people being like YOU CAN PRY ALL MY BOOKS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS was hilarious.

lol, no.

There have been more twists and turns in the Alison Roman and Chrissy Teigen drama in the last 24 hours than there are steps in an Alison Roman recipe

I have to try that one still! Have you done her Jok Moo? So good. Also, the dirty rice from her website was great. Her version of shakshuka has become our Christmas Day breakfast. Etc., etc., etc....

I believe it. I don’t know her, but we know people in common, and the people she is friends with are similarly not nice people. I do own her books because I find them to be a nice collection of recipes that are neither overly concerned with being healthy nor celebrating gluttony for the sake of gluttony (remember that

That’s exactly why Alison is a moron. Of all the people to choose to make snide, unfunny and unoriginal comments about, how fucking stupid would you have to be to go for the ones that are currently very popular? You are literally explaining her idiocy to us while weirdly trying to say it’s not that bad or claim it

Reading the article (and some of the replies) on this post makes me realise how ingrained the idea of celebrities not being people are. I don’t know why Chrissy is famous, but I follow her on Twitter. Does she do everything right? Nope, but clearly neither does Alison, who’s white feminism prevented her from seeing

Quote from article before edited: “For the low, low price of $19.99, please to by my cutting board.”

Considering the interviewer named dropped goop and Alison was smart enough to not come for goop but reached for Marie and Chrissy so easily is problematic. Millennials (who are almost 40 btw) know goop, rachel ray, giada etc. Marie Kondo is not in the cooking sphere so why bring her up? She made fun of Marie’s accent

I love her biscuits and gravy recipe. Yes, Chrissy started out as a celebrity but she also can back it up with her recipes. I also like the amount of her Thai heritage that is visible in what she likes to make. Something that is also bugging me is how easy it is to dismiss people like Chrissy because they didn’t go to

I fucking LOVE my giant cast iron I got from Cravings at Target. Seriously, I use that damned thing every day and I got it on some wild sale (so, under $20!). I’ve had it for months and months and it is still chugging along great, despite me not properly taking care of any cast iron thing any time. It tolerates my

Unfortunately, I know some people who have worked for and interacted with Alison and reported that she is... not a nice person. In fact, she was sort of egregiously careless with other people’s feelings. Not the way they put it, they used more profanity. I was super disappointed to hear this at the time, but at this

She started from a place of celebrity, of course it happened quickly and for others not at all.

I’m loving this saga! It’s not like I have anything else to do on a quarantine Saturday. From what I’ve vaguely heard, Alison Roman may or may not be a jerk. Isn’t there some weirdness regarding her and her former career with Bon Appetit? Hmmm....