Dogs with people names are the best! Now I suddenly want a dog called Lucien. Not sure what breed Lucien would be, though. Maybe a corgi.
Dogs with people names are the best! Now I suddenly want a dog called Lucien. Not sure what breed Lucien would be, though. Maybe a corgi.
Thanks, I think I probably need to trust my roommate more. He can’t stand up for me if he doesn’t know I need him to. I do graduate soon, thanks! It’s been a long 4 years.
I think I’m going to talk to my roommate about it and maybe ask him to mention it to the bartender in a “not cool, dude” way first. But if he does continue I will not hesitate to take it higher up, and I plan on avoiding him as much as possible anyway. Thanks for the advice, I was so confused!
This is the solution I’m leaning towards. Thanks for the advice.
I think that’s what I’m going to do, thanks. It’s hard working out a solution where I don’t have to explain more than I’m comfortable with, but I think that’s the closest I’ll get.
Thanks, I really appreciate everyone’s advice. I was so confused at the time because I didn’t know I was still that bothered by what happened in the past, and then suddenly I was reminded of it and felt terrible. And no-one in my real life knows about that, so talking about it would open a whole new can of worms.…
Hi, so this is quite a long one, but I think I just need to get it off my chest. Sorry for the word-vomit.
Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf
Wow. I want to party with you and your friends!
Like the mayor haha.
This is a really moving story. You must be pretty wonderful yourself to have people who care so much in your life.
“And BTW, No One will Ever Notice But Me.”
I have nothing constructive to add, but I love her so much. So much!
It didn’t seem to matter how it affected my life.
Yet Fantasy Football is considered a legit pastime. FANTASY FOOTBALL.
I love it! I love it so much! How will I entertain myself when it’s over?
Am I the only one who thought this one had to be John Mayer? It just seems so John Mayer...
Wait...he built it? He didn't just procure you a Tardis, he built it with his bare hands?
I just wish he would stop talking. Then I could enjoy his music with much less guilt attached.
If you aren't going to be invited, what exactly are you saving the date for? I haven't been to a wedding since I was a kid, but I thought you only sent save the dates to actual invited guests. So confused.