So true. Some of my male friends mentioned that a new friend has a hot girlfriend and I said that I wasn't surprised, since he seems very nice and fun and is very attractive. They then started joking that I wanted to sleep with him...No dudes, but I have eyes. I notice what people look like.
It's all creepy, but then when she says "What's this in my drink?" and he's like "NBD baby, just stay forevs" is just.....nope.
Congrats, that's awesome. You should have seen how excited I was when Jez did an article quoting a press release I translated. I felt internet-famous! (This is definitely cooler than that.)
I have considered that course of action.
Thanks, I'm just feeling quite pathetic right now and needed to get that off my chest. I'm sorry you're feeling the same way.
Has there ever been someone you wanted to shake and shout "why can't you just love me?!" at?
What if the reason he sticks it up in that ludicrous fashion is to distract us from his (potentially) receding hairline? I am now a Harry Styles hair loss truther! We will have a website!
"Eerily silent doggy-style". That is fantastic. Wow, thanks for sharing!
Can I have you around to supply my witty put-downs at all times?
All valid questions. I'm still skeptical of this theory, but I wouldn't say no to a piece of that, so I guess I'll see how it progresses.
Thanks, this is something I've been noticing for a while. I shouldn't have to suck it up just because they're immature. I'll call them on it next time there's a similar conversation.
Oh dear God. Nervous turgid member. I feel much better about my life now.
Yeah, I'm sure it's not a conscious thing on his part. I think the best course of action is to tell him how I feel next time there's some offhand comment directed at me.
Interesting theory, but I really doubt it. Time will tell, I guess.
He is a total silver fox, no judgement here! That's great, thanks. I wonder who I was dreaming about...
Thanks, I love this story. It is so universal, you can really feel the teenage humiliation. Ah, adolescence.
I have just laughed it off, but I thought his timing was not great. It kind of made me feel like, being the only woman in the apartment, the guys being sexual is normal and NBD, but me being sexual is some kind of joke or something to be embarrassed by? Put like that it sounds like a huge overreaction but I've been…
Well I have all of that apart from the gif game.
Fellow student here, I hope this helps because you are living my worst nightmare.