This gives me more hope in pursuing a guy I have a huge crush on, but will only be in the same country as for another couple of months.
This gives me more hope in pursuing a guy I have a huge crush on, but will only be in the same country as for another couple of months.
Not relevant to the thread, but I need that dalmatian in my life!
That is perfect on every level.
I've actually done that, you know. Not to brag or anything...
I hate to rain on this guy's parade (mostly because I suspect that would end in my house being burned down), but I really don't see it. For any of them. Dude, if you're going to come up with these batshit theories, at least find people who look alike!
I feel your pain. I'm not even sure if it's being released in my current country (I would assume not), which is highly inconvenient because I just watched the trailer about 4 times and am having SO MANY FEELS.
This is my favourite story ever. Out of everything that has ever happened. Literally everything. Why are my college days not exactly like this?!
What really gets me here is that it's not just 3 or 4 people asking to box up food, it's 3 or 4 people getting so irate about it that they need to be removed by the police. Every. Single. Month. WTF?
Now I need to track down a cucumber mojito. The best cocktail I've ever had was a raspberry and melon mojito. I still hear it whisper to me on warm summer nights...
Only once per season? Are you made of stone? I actually had to stop watching it after a phase of ugly crying at every episode. Because I have reasonable emotional reactions to fiction...
I know, I never realised that I'm apparently more chilled about period blood than a lot of people. I'm just used to it - it happens every single month!
What a catch! I bet he's fighting off would-be sperm-thieves 24/7.
I sympathize. I really like browsing fancy underwear, and then I remember that my one matching 'special occasion' set has been sitting, unworn, in the drawer for over a year. (TMI: I've had sex more recently than that, it just wasn't 'special occasion' underwear worthy.) So yeah, it seems a bit pointless.
I mean, you're probably going to get a bit of blood on your hands anyway. Just wash them afterwards. It really is not a big deal. All of my friends stopped thinking tampons were a drama around the age of 16, apart from one who is very squeamish about it, so she just doesn't use them.
I really hope that one of the reasons you broke up is that, you know, HE WAS AFRAID YOU WOULD STEAL HIS SPERM. Wtf?
I, too, was naive and assumed that no-one actually flushed tampons. In my sex ed class we were all told never to flush tampons (or condoms) because it would cause blockages. I guess not everyone was told that, but I am surprised by the number of commenters who seem to know that you shouldn't flush tampons, but say…
If only any of my frequent over-sharings were this hilarious. I am now weeping - mostly from laughter, but slightly from relief at managing not to pee myself laughing.
I just noticed that I'm recommending all of your comments, which could get annoying for you, notifications-wise. Basically, you go and this bro can go fuck himself. I will also be using your reasoning regarding 'you think hot women are hot, even if they're wearing jeans' next time a Nice Guy (TM) tries to tell me I…