
Here’s the deal: yes, I did vote for Trump

True atonement would be allowing the descendants of slaves in this country go to the school for free. That’s ensuring that they would actually enrich the lives of the black kinfolk of slaves.

You forgot to file this under “no shit Sherlock.”

You know people can be Cuban AND white, correct?

how does that add context? why does it matter that he is Cuban? no professional person anywhere of any race, creed or color, should be using those terms in the work place (or anywhere for that matter).

But Jezebel doesn’t say he identifies as white, and I’m not sure why it matters whether he identifies as white Cuban American or just a Cuban American. He used a racial slur for another race and was insulting and degrading to a colleague in a professional setting. There’s no amount of context about his background

How is that an oversight? What does it matter?

“I am not a racist.”

Dude, when you’re already in a hole, stop digging. I could see it both ways (your argument and the counter-argument), but then you compare Aaron Hernandez to a soldier with PTSD? Come on, man.

He clearly needed help, and likely never got it. Why? Because he was just a football player.

Society might have failed Odin Lloyd. Society might have failed Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu. Society did not fail Aaron Hernandez.

Society failed him? How so? He went to an elite high school, went to college, made millions of dollars in his early 20s, had as nice of a house as I’ve ever seen in person...he is a horribly fucked up person who made horribly fucked up choices.


I like how you swiftly brush aside the multiple murders and other unknown crimes thing before moving on to the generic mea culpa of society failing Aaron Hernandez. Aaron Hernandez failed Aaron Hernandez. He failed as a human being, as a father, as a member of society. The world is a better place without him.

Au contraire, dude

You have to be kidding me. Society didn’t make him shoot people. He did. This isn’t stealing food because he was hungry, it was shooting someone who might have pushed him in the club.

As a member of society, I speak on our behalf.

Lol society failed a gifted, popular athlete with an extremely bright future and a massive multi million dollar contract? Yeah, he drew a really bad hand. If only there was something society could have done for him. More adulation, more opportunities! None of this was his fault. /s

Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?

So, how long before they replace him with an equally evil piece of shit?