
What if you don’t like rice cooked in a rice cooker? I find it faster and better tasting off the stove top.

What if you don’t like rice cooked in a rice cooker? I find it faster and better tasting off the stove top.

First thing she should be said is fuck you prove I downloaded it.

Shows as 24.99 on my Xbox :(

So what’s this new deal?

Could’ve been much worse...she could have yawned.

Nothing special about slender man. A person has mudered for far less in human history. A person once killed someone because their dog told them to. In my opinion those who find this frightening along with Blair witch or any other urban legend really should stick to Scooby doo mysteries.

WOW!! These must’ve been men dressed as women...where were The Hogs the day this event took place?

Because of trust funds. Deal wit it.

Yes and if you read more than kotaku you would not have any argument. But since you don’t your ignorance maitains your opinion.

Actually it’s older white men with money from this era that keep racism alive and the majority of these people support Trump for his stance with dealing with minorities of any sort even though they themselves claim to be the new minority.

Sony and Ms don’t understand this.

The facial expressions say it all. That’s pretty much the expression I see on all McDonald’s workers.

Why am I getting a Magnificent 7 vibe here?

Starred because you gotta be as old as me to not have to Google any of that to get it.

Wow you just took me back to UTFO Nice reference. I would have gone the Jack the Ripper or Slave to the Rhythm route but KUDOS!

Umm if mommy has to buy it the kid wasn’t born with it dumbass.

Ok you took that in a circle. Kids first learn from their parents and environment or do you think kids are now born with Wi-Fi and wireless ear buds?

It starts IRL though. Children live what they learn.

Ok I was wrong there evidently IS such a thing as karma...who knew. Lol.

If you’re not a biker of course it sucked. Its a BIKER UPDATE.