
We’ll have to wait and see. Like I said it didn’t work before.

UFORTUNATENATELY....none of the games additional content works. So while youd be able to get the single player campaign and vanilla online you won’t get liars and thieves and I believe undead nightmare even if you previously have the content.

What dicks his roomates are. They can step out for a smoke.

Now that’s a public figure I can get behind!

No Shaw Brothers?

Everyone hoping in the be train are lemmings. It’s a fad just as it was 20 years ago regardless of advancements in hardware. Its a peripheral that is expensive as well as limited in functionality.

First RE released in north America that I won’t be buying. I don’t play fps. I won’t be alone.

Like I told the other guy. If you gotta explain a joke it’s not funny. As far as catching typed sarcasm you’re right I don’t usually get it but you see how few people actually did. I’m not alone in that respect so I won’t lose sleep over it.

I’d say the cartoon is more widely known since only you and mister funny bone are the only ones familiar with tvtrope. That being said it still has no relevance to the article and I would even futher suggest that Aquasol refrain from his comedic outting because as they say if you have to explain a joke ( which he

No it’s only you who makes that mistake. Putting up an incorrectly labeled pic doesn’t clean up the faux pas.

Umm....the Beebop was the ships’ name...that’s Radical Edward in the pic.

We won’t be missed. I feel so old because I owned all the first gen home consoles and played them on a black and white. If you asked anyone now what a uhf connector was and the best way to repair one they’d have no clue it was just conductive antenna wire.

I don’t believe for one minute that anyone actually got fired from the company over this as a matter of fact the wording of the statements sound Russian which are not fans of lbgts anyway.

Wish I had that comment before I started. 4 separate 54 gb downloads on xb1. Ones done waiting on the others. Not one review mentioned a pay wall which is why I don’t play free to play games. My kids are slowly learning this same lesson with games they need actual money to advance in.

Thank you very much.

What’s the time vs irl money system to the game?

But it could be worse...they could be animators.

Yes she has complained to great lengths that whoever designs the clothing and hair must be a man...she’s not the only one either just read through this

I don’t know why but I LOVED Laser Beak Rumble and Ravage as a child. I had the ones that transformed into cassettes and were sold individually...couldn’t afford the whole set or Soundwave.

Looks like Ninja Gaiden with a new protagonist minus Nippon.