
Is that the voice of the Gamestop guy that always says "Power to the players!"?

Why are people excited about Gameboy/Gameboy Advance titles going on the "Virtual Console" anyways? Can't you just emulate them on the PC for free?

Was some great animation, I just feel spoiled I saw all the dances prior to this vid. :(

Will you guys be talking about the Megaman Legends rumors?

Hey Michael did you see Peter Brady on the set too?

We need to dig deeper.

@Ossidiana: In b4 big debate from this post!

@ollemadnotglad: Don't mind me, just running over Crecente with my mongoose.

I'd like to jump down her rabbit hole.

@Etoiles: Well this image came from /v/, you can usually find more of different variants of the gamer girl comics there too.

GT: DJ Darkel

Now playing

This one will always be my favorite crossover fight vid

@wild7s: the european/english one is at if you wanna check the game out

Now playing

Here's hoping they add more S4 League-related tracks to the game too.

Health regen? Not sure if want now. :(


Hey I found 4chan, yay?