@Mit: No Zelda is way cooler. He's a bro.
@Mit: No Zelda is way cooler. He's a bro.
Did you crack open a bear?
Are Fedora hats very fashionable now?
This is videogames how? (But I do love The Tick shows).
Whoa for once I see no religion debate yet (In b4 my comment becomes a religion debate itself).
Just a friendly reminder of this video
So will the Shepard in this movie make Paragon or Renegade decisions?
I guess it all depends on whether the game is social or not with friends (then again I do go to LAN parties too).
Am I the only one who gets tired of the cheap preorder bonuses people get from Gamestop? Already I'm seeing bids on DLC codes for games like Read Dead Redemption that go as much as 45$ on EBay.
@Ueziel: 1st off: I didn't make this comic obviously.
Remember when people enjoyed games on SDTV?
I say Sonic Team. They should stop making so many Sonic mingames and focus on Shenmue 3, Jet Grind Radio 3 and a new Panzer Dragoon.
Now for the debate of a lifetime!
Gotta love Japanese merchandising (somewhat related)