
You know, I’m excited about this. I know a lot of people are hating for a whole host of reasons, but I’m going to go enjoy myself.

It’s part of being on salary and it’s been the norm in the last three companies I’ve worked for. And it’s not unusual at all, with high profile cases like how Tim Burton took Nightmare Before Christmas back to Disney because he originally had the idea while there in the 80s and had started working on some aspects of

So, most of the ways I can imagine of potentially diversifying my income conflict with the agreement I have with my current employer. As in, they don’t want me competing with them (understandable), all of my work outside of work belongs to them (pretty common), and I also am supposed to not do anything that could take

Yeah, that’s a good point. The sale I’m referring to actually was on an amazon warehouse deal that was VERY steeply discounted (40% or so) so we went for it. But I guess the problem is our list is pretty long of things like this, so something is always coming up.

It seems interesting that there aren’t more shoe brands on shoes. I have a pair of eccos that I have been using for just over two years now and they’re still is pretty dang good condition. Plus, they’re dang comfortable.

I impulse buy gadgets, gadget accessories, DIY project stuff, toys. It’s not too out of control, though. The area that’s hard to me is the stuff that SEEMS like a necessity. For example, we’ve wanted to get a steam cleaner for our floor, and it went on sale the other day. Did we need to buy it? No. Will it simplify

I’ve had major problems with being impulsive. In the past I had a tendency to let myself be distracted when there were important things to do. Then, one day at a company wide meeting for the company I was working at at the time, the CEO of the company talked about the idea of “learning to say no”. This helped me

Wow, this is quite the reminder of how painful my first experience with Twilight Princess was. I was playing with my wife, who loved Zelda for SNES, but otherwise hadn’t seen a Zelda game since. I enjoyed Ocarina of Time, but hadn’t played anything since either. Between the dumb fetch quests at the beginning of the

Sounds like you know more than just about every other person who is currently involved in the whole situation. Why are you even here? You should be out there making some money.

So, from what I’ve understood, the main problem is that the device is encrypted. Apple’s own definition of how their encryption works is pretty clear they can’t just “dump the flash memory chip”. Unless I’m missing something and the device isn’t encrypted?

Few things make me pause and think about an issue more than the idea of “backdoors” and calling upon companies to crack their own security measures. From a one-sided perspective, when someone does something horrible and we have a chance to get more information from their phone, cracking it seems like a no-brainer. But

I have gotten seasick before on ships, but I was absolutely fine on my last cruise because I took tablets of ginger. Just straight ginger. It was amazing, didn’t have any negative side effects, and I thoroughly enjoyed feeling like I could eat anything and just have fun instead of trying to go around acting like I

I agree with you on several of your points, but the refund one is surprisingly hit-or-miss.

My encounters with piracy have been mostly second-hand. Go to a LAN party and someone goes “let’s play Unreal Tournament!” and before you know it a stack of CDs are being passed around for everyone to put a cracked copy of the game on their boxes so we can all play. Or a friend passing me a copy of Morrowind to try it

Patrick, I really liked the video. Found it to be an interesting watch and you kept things thoughtful and fair and, most importantly, succinct. The companion article with more details was helpful, so I think that will be important. I just wonder, though, if the video took a lot longer to produce and if that’s a

I don’t play online at all, so that part of it is basically not an issue for me. I mostly like PS+ because of the free games to play, occasionally they have games I like, and since I have a Vita, PS3, and PS4 and rarely buy games, I usually have something in the PS+ games worth checking out.

I don’t play online at all, so that part of it is basically not an issue for me. I mostly like PS+ because of the

So, is it a buggy mess or something? Is it actually finished? Cancelled games aren’t exactly known for their stability... or completed states.

Very true. One of the companies I mentioned pays their employees very well, the other actually does not, and is way below the pay most companies in the immediate area is paying similar positions. It’s often coupled with a general attitude of “people are privileged to work for us”, which hey, a job is a job, but acting

The RockStar one is absolutely correct. I’ve interviewed at two companies who REALLY stressed this. I took at job at one of them. I basically never worked for fewer than 60 hours a week for my entire time there.

Very cool video. There are a few things there I’m interested in. Also, I like how they are honest about DoA Xtreme 3 by highlighting the only thing about that game the devs seem to really care about.