Sent to jail for abandoning her kids? That's rewarding candy theft with ice cream.
Sent to jail for abandoning her kids? That's rewarding candy theft with ice cream.
All children are groomed to accept the cuisine of their childhood, in much the same way they're groomed to accept the language of their childhood. Let's not make basic neurology sinister; that way leads to young Earth theories and madness.
Ohio is like the bastard child of New Jersey and Florida.
Maybe KK needs to take her pile of cash, her kid and divorce her husband and horrible family and go live an anonymous life on some ranch in Montana for the next 5-10 years.
Who's biting whose style?
I agree. This is definitely just the tip of the iceberg here.
Hopefully what we are watching right now is him going down in flames. The fucker deserves worse.
I dread thinking of the real number of people he assaulted and victimized. Someone with such a long career and demigod status has probably harmed many more dozens. This guy is a monster and I hope he goes down in flames.
I've always maintained that a mischievous streak in a dog (ie, figuring out how to get into the fridge, for example) is a sign of intelligence.
What I'm most surprised by is how Vladimir Putin finds the time to referee. That guy is everywhere.
Mark, this is how Nelly would handle an agility test. "FUCK YOUR STUPID SHIT HERE. WHERE IS MY BURGER?"
Frankly, the Golden is way smarter than the rest of them. There are a number of huge sausages just lying there, and no little treat or bit of play with one's owner is ever going to make up for just running past them.
It is noteworthy that she doesn't defend him. She just acknowledges that nothing happened to her at that time.
This is related to why there is no vintage clothing for men. They owned one suit and it is in the coffin with them.
I like this guy! Just to add to the points he was making- this also has obvious financial effects as well. Women are expected to wear different and reasonably on trend clothing, shoes and makeup. Men can get by with about three suits, a couple pairs of shoes, a dozen shirts and ties for years!
It's just #1 of Mark's alternative suggestions on how to keep a relationship going. Truth be told, I like giving blowjobs a lot more than I like cleaning. :D
I'd rather give a daily blowjob if it meant I didn't have to keep a tidy home.
That seems like a really powerful project. I guess all you can do is channel the anger towards continuing that good work. What is your plan for the finished collection?
The poor ones aren't the ones complaining, though! The ones complaining are the ones who are rich, and often even have help - sitters, nannies, au pairs, part-time preschools, and so on. The poor ones are too busy busting their asses to have time to whine online.
spins a web, any size, catches thieves just like flies!