
I have no sympathy for those who are refusing. I have not had a day off yet since this all started. I work for a global glass company supplier, and since we are designated “Automotive Repair”, we are also sacrificial essential . It is a small shop with 5 people in the warehouse, and 1 office person (the sites boss).

I am nowhere near as “confident” on them as I was back then. The purpose of getting a new pair was to get some exercise and have fun doing it, which I accomplished! 

Now playing

Grew up with the original BSG, loved it as a kid...I even vaguely remember bits and pieces of the 1980 ones. It wasnt until the series was over, and I kept hearing people talking about the “new” one and after putting it off for so long, I gave it a shot and man, I loved it after the first episode, even the Blood and

  • chills

Surprisingly enough they are still in decent shape. I did have another pair that did what you said, the plastic shell literally crumbled. The other old pair I have are from K2. The boot is still soft and the plastic seems to be holding up well. The ones I just got last week are the RollerBlade Rb XL...but its taking

If I remember correctly, these murder hornets are from Japan. So China gave us Corona (supposedly), Japan gave us murder hornets....screw that...lets get rid of parts of Asia!

I think next we should get huntsman spiders from Australia...those seem fun!

Oddly enough, I dusted off my old blades that have been sitting in my garage since 95. They were extremely snug so I decided to get a new pair that actually fit. Granted I wear a 16 now, but even at that size, the places I checked only had 1 or 2 left, with a 17 tossed in there also. I managed to get my pair, and

Because sure, why the hell not! 

As someone who loves the whole Clone Wars storyline (granted sure it took awhile to get some traction as most of season 1 was just sort of meh), bringing it back made this fan happy and this season doesnt disappoint. This final arc It ties in wonderfully even though its a tad different from what I read

He is also loaded to the gills (around what 200mil) and probably has a bunker or island somewhere to rid out an apocalypse if need you because I sure as hell know I don’t, and I need to put food on my table. Anytime anyone with money speaks about things like this as if they actually care about the average

So explain to me how them opening, is a big deal? They can practice social distancing, shut off demo models of things etc. In my state of Wisconsin, our governor is being challenged in court for extending the “safer at home” thing, well past the 60 days, he is legally allowed. That doesnt mean that someone from the

Oh I am as far from a “offended at everything snowflake”. I am usually the “offender”. Things that would make you (yes you personally and most people to be honest) cringe, make me laugh. If you knew me in real life, you would know I am nothing but a sarcastic asshole that cares little about peoples feelings, or people

That made me laugh, thanks! With everything that is going on, its nice to be able to still find a little sliver of humor here and there! 

Since this is a sister site to one i visit rather often and I stumbled here, I figured I would chime in. While yes , women are important to the workforce, how long do you think things would last if all men walked off the job?

The Jedi are being dispatched to their final destinations, and Obi Wan and Anakin are off to fight Grevious as he is attacking Coruscant. I cant see how it ties into anything else side from the opening of RoTS where the battle is raging above the planet. We dont see Plo-Koon or Aayla again, until they are taken out on

Grevious is there to kidnap Palpatine, the beginning to RoTS.

I do so love how everyone that dislikes Trump, all of a sudden has a MD at the end of their name, and seems to know everything about, well everything. Funny enough, even veteran leaders of different countries are making mistakes and missteps along the way, with this mess. Sure he could so things better, every world

Lol doesnt he sell toothpaste that he claims will kill the Coronavirus? This guy is a total wack job. I have a coworker who thinks everything is fake and a conspiracy and follows this guy like hes the second coming of Christ....Man its annoying 

I get that they want to keep as many places open as possible, to lessen the hit on countries economies and small business loans, but it seems a lot of countries dropped the ball on this. There is no clear cut plan to follow. We had a store here, Hobby Lobby, that was forced to shut because they were deemed

or I am “essential” which is funny because that is the boat I am in. Somehow auto glass is considered essential, especially since car insurance companies are giving rebates now since there people are not driving as much. But aside from my work and the occasional stop at the grocery store, I go nowhere.