
XIII-2 really wasn't that linear in the slightest.

...and yet, no word on Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us

I'm a [broken and waiting for a new one] xbox one owner and even I think you're just being petty about this. This is a pretty valid test. The test is, how long does it take to start playing a game from the second you unwrap that brand new disc and stick it in the console. The fact that the PS4 installs the update in

Test yourself buddy, 'way to long' is a right way of saying when one takes over 10x more to install than the other.

This one is fucking cool and you can't convince me otherwise.

Dance Dance Revolution is a videogame in which the player assumes the identity of a colored arrow crushing fascist.

The game teaches children that flashing arrows are the enemy of uniformity and thus rewards the players with points for every unique flashing arrow they crush under their authoritative foot.

Um. No comment.

Found the problem.


9/10 body, 1/10 face

It all adds up to 10 so don't be offended.

Don't be. There aren't any reports of overheating yet. Chances are that if Sony had the guts to put the PSU inside the console, you can assume that being a hardware manufacturer they knew what they were doing after last generation's absurd heat issues.


1) Those titles were written by two different people.

In general, the art style of RWBY (computer animated anime-style) works quite well—as long as you can’t see the feet. When the characters are walking or running, they never seem to move the right distance for the size of their leg movements. It makes them seem like they are either trying to run on ice (and are getting

There was this one scene where I went... Why didn't I think of that weapon design...
Interesting fact : Sun is voiced by the Rage Quit guy, Michael Jones.

Universal control of the universe.

Jesus can you even read? "The pack, per the latest announcement from Squeenix, will be free to download for two weeks after release, after which time it becomes paid DLC"

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