Well, you're an idiot, but ok...
Uh, five times the amount of services (especially on the Xbox One), much higher quality titles, an online ecosystem with more registered users than the Wii's online service (I don't know what it's called off the top of my head), and a recognizable brand with a recognizable company backing it up.
The Vita says hi. Your argument is invalid.
If only their last name were Nar Rayya...
But tablets have been doing that ever since. The whole reason why the Wii drew in so many people was because it had the motion controls that no one had ever seen before; it was a hit on shows like Oprah and Ellen. But this WiiU is not new, it's been done before, and it's underwhelming.
No, and I have no intentions on getting one. It's too expensive for what little it provides compared to the PS4 and Xbone, it's slow, and there's no games for it, aside from a Mario title or a Zelda title.
WiiU is new and different.
Drive the final nail into the coffin of our flagship series by making Final Fantasy XIII-5 Lightning Returns, Again: The Returnening, It Was All A Crystal Dream/Time Paradox, Part 2.
I think you're mistaking Nomura with Toriyama...
I think you're referring to Motomo Toriyama, the director of the FFXIII games.
There seems to be a theme of them wanting to run away...
Was I insinuating that it was dull?
Why isn't the news about Kingdom Hearts III not in here?