
Yeah but it's not just a gaming console. It does everything.

Sorry, could you clear something up?

You say that it has no 'online requirement', but you mention how games require an install, which then connects to your xbox live. So my question is, do you need an online connection for the INITIAL install of the game at least? Because if so, this is almost slipping in a online

Holy shit. This is the buzz word filled conference ever.

Worst RARE list ever.

yeah, theres a blank canvas on the left yet it's planted right in the middle. And like someone else said, it's even worse on mobiles.

I fudging love EA right now, come at me bros

Getting the rights to Star Wars (and by the sounds of it, doing the best thing possibile for the hopes of SW BF)


and because I never buy DLC that's available from day 1. I either buy the game later in a bundle, or I just don't need it.

That was weird. I think he's mainly talking to himself.

Hey look guys, someone misinterpreted the internet again!

I think i'll do the same.

If everyone works on this ideology, nothing would get done.

Another sign that sim city is dead behind the eyes

sorry, i meant a combo of japan and mexico, wasn't thinking

definitely a hybrid of somewhere like sweden or japan

Slow news day

What a ridiculous, moronic perspective. It's attitudes like that that result in tolerance to things like racism, domestic abuse e.c.t.

fight fight fight fight

See South Park, Guitar Zero

April fools, it's actually out October 30

Meanwhile, Obelix watches from afar

Rich people stay rich because they don't give money away to people who ask for it. Even their children.

That guy has one fantastic Michael Jackson slide going on.