Package damaged in transit.
Package damaged in transit.
The a-pillar nonsense and the chrome rims tell me all I need to know. Oh yeah, and it’s also a 30 year old car with 145k miles on it.....
Is this a surprise? The world’s upper 1% made off like bandits during the pandemic. And the result?
An Andy Warhol print sold for almost 200 MILLION dollars.
A 1955 Mercedes sold for $135 million
And so on. And I have to be honest- this sort of pisses me off. These people are richer than anyone in recorded history. The…
This is just an excuse to pull some body over to justify getting a look-see in the car.
The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.
First rule of option 2 is we never talk about option 2.
With a VW bus, it is always best to assume that “ran when parked” is meaningless, even if that refers to ten minutes ago outside a Piggly Wiggly while you got a sweat tea. Will it start again afterwards? Who knows.
Pokemon + Breath of the Wild = risk of breaking sales records, more like...
Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.
That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.
I like how they call anyone who just doesn’t want them clogging up the roads in their town “Antifa,” as if being opposed to traffic jams is some sort of radical left conspiracy.
You don’t like the Ram Ram’s? Ram E-Ram? Ram Ram 1500?
They need to crush these trucks -
AMG Monoblocks are but an online order away. And they look good on EVERY W1xx Merc
This is a steal, especially with the damn bio-degradable wiring harness replaced and the cooling system updated. And it looks like it is already gone, so the market agrees.
“In fact, it’s one of the best looking 7 Series models the company has ever built.”
Good thing no one ever gets shot in their cars. Or blown up. Or dies by any other means associated with driving.
While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.
Wow, the rare instance of “Do you know who I am?” being used to a positive effect!
Is the blockchain robust enough to handle one Alfa Romeo’s service history, let alone the 17 or so that will be sold in the USA during its production run?