
It cost me 30 euros to get a taxi driver to drive me around the Monaco street circuit.

The spiraling shape will make you go insane, but everyone wants to eat that crazy thing. Today Pizza Hut launches their brave new menu, packed with new ingredients, strange crust variants and maddening spirals of special sauce. I don't even know where to start.

My brother once did Hallowe'en as an organ grinder. My niece was the monkey.

The Left Hand Of Darkness. But with Toad.

From its opening prologue, the sequel to 2009's hit action game reminded me of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder. It's a medical condition where a person is plagued by random, frequent orgasms that don't happen because of sexual activity. PGAD pops up in the news every so often and sad occurrences are part of the

Do you need the shoulder buttons, or can you push the buttons with your other fingers, say if you put the DS on a flat surface?

The best weird local KFC item is the Dragon Twister. It's basically Peking Duck, if instead of duck you used KFC.

Mount HANS-style anchors directly to skull.

In-N-Out burgers pretty much always look like this.

My mom had a tan Dodge Aries. That's peak beige right there.

In Rondo of Swords, about halfway through the game, your family sword is cursed, which apparently will lead to doom? And your sister offers you her life to purify the sword. It's just you and her in a room, and it takes like 4 turns to damage her enough to kill her, but apparently if you just pass on your turn

As the developers explain, they preferred a "no respawn rule" because it encouraged interesting types of collaborative gameplay by enforcing a sort of mini-permadeath standard in each standalone match. Also, it made everything much more intense:

The only explanation for this is that always carrying Pikachu on his shoulder has made Ash one macho kid.

Deluxe set: $350

The fuel economy tests are done in the LA area?

River Raid! Woo!

I assume he meant the alternating shutter glasses.

Starbucks VIA is better than Starbucks in-store drip coffee. #lowbar

Needs the "Underexplained Lists" tag.

I worked part-time BOH at a Pizza Hut for two years in high school. At some point I became the cut table guy—nobody else could handle the throughput at the cut table single-handedly on Friday/Saturday night but me. (Sometimes they gave me an assistant, but his most useful role was often dish guy, both because having