
Safty ferst.

A friend of mine did a hot wing challenge and got lockjaw; he finished the challenge by scraping the meat off with his lower jaw. He later looked it up, and apparently the capsaicin and belladonna alkaloids are similar? So he was considering taking the belladonna counterpoison (not antidote) before his next attempt.

My DVR thought it recorded this episode, but actually recorded a clip show of season 1, and apparently there's no reshow during the week.

And what a world it is. I flirt between wanting to holiday there, or just move there entirely. The blue skies, the bluer seas, the rich green grass, the cool sea breeze! There's visible wind in this game! Not even Far Cry 3 can make a game feel so sunny. It must be physically impossible to feel sad playing this game.

I actually didn't try to scan it after it died. Does something special happen?

It was the tank controls that turned you off? It was walking toward the camera that dogs or zombies were on the other side of that NOPEd pre-4 REs for me.

My Epic Mickey NOPE moment was when it was apparent that the "decisions matter" mechanic was really "whatever weapon you beat the boss with, you get a bigger meter for". Similarly, my Deadly Creatures NOPE moment was "Man, I'm spiderwebbing all over this COMPLETELY LINEAR LEVEL."

I found a new friend underneath my pillow.

The first Wii original Trauma Team game. (i.e. not the one that was ported from DS.) There's a mission where you're doing a Doctors Without Borders type thing, and you have 10 minutes to complete 5 surgeries that you previously did with a much higher average time limit. If you fail, you have to start from scratch. In


I feel like the next Zelda game should have an early dungeon that works like that. Like, you go through the front door, are walking down a hallway, then a wall gets knocked down and a helmeted quadruped is chasing you around. If you try to escape to another room, it knocks down another wall and chases after you.

They Might Be Giants' album Apollo 18 had 18 mini-songs on it between the 16th and 17th real songs so if you listened to the album on shuffle you'd have these weird interludes. If you had it on cassette it just seemed like one weird song.

Whenever I go on vacation, I like to take long exposure photographs at night. Sometimes tricky with a cheap-ish digital camera.

To me, it's like reporting health and safety violations or sexual harassment. The only kind of employer who would hold it against you is one who wants to pull the same shit, and you wouldn't want to work there either.

You say another like he had one before. They weren't paying him. It wasn't a job.

Maybe PS1 games crashed with a disc read error if there was a checksum failure instead of glitching?

Is Call a lizard, or Spock?

I would much rather have Kitten tattooed on me than Warrior.

Did you never see the Miata with the Volvo station wagon body on top?

My brother's manual Cavalier has this.