So it’s a feature made for game journalists?
So it’s a feature made for game journalists?
This is actually really cool and a big game changer for battlefield operations. Not sure why people in the comments are complaining, you would think the ability for one of our soldiers to come home to their families would be a good thing.
I never cared about the whole not needing voice chat bs he was talking about, the white supremacist comment tho is where I feel he messed up the hardest. He basically disrespected the hundreds of thousands of POC gamers out there with that one comment. Then decides to disrespect and belittle a few dyslexic people who…
Did you not do research and see what the age of consent in Japan was? Of course you didn’t, that would require actual journalism. Here, let me help you just cause our country is different in terms of our laws doesn’t mean we can judge others, I mean if that were true we could…
I love when people turn a non issue into an issue.
Did you do any research at all, cause in the span of one search of Google and Pornhub I can basically discredit your whole article. Pornhub on the first page of the search has 3 videos with Mei, a couple with Zarya and about 6 videos featuring futanari and one of Winston creaming Mei. Google was much the same minus…
That’s the thing right there, you automatically assume everyone on the right is a bigot. I personally love being a Republican, I was raised as one and agree with the values that the Republican party tout. You say you like to think you are a sensible person with sensible views and that you have empathy, yet here you…
Then how can you explain the fact that Fallout 76 is literally copy paste of Fallout 4 with bugs (literally the exact same bugs) that still haven’t been fixed in Fallout 4? I have nothing personally against the Creation Engine, it’s produced games that have sucked hours of my life and I love it. It is becoming out…
We need a western release, I just finished playing through Digimon world 1 to 4 and Re:Digitize (emulated and translated because I can’t read Japanese for shit) and I am craving a new game.
That’s great and all, I mean it looks amazing. I would still like to see some Space Balls ships built with LEGOs.
Your comment perfectly sums up the vast majority of games that have been released in the last 12 years. I am not sure why people put more emphasis on shooters, there have been more games that have been released that weren’t shooters on the 360 that were amazing. Every RPG, racing game, strategy game released has been…
The erection I have right now will not go away. I now plan to buy a Wii U because of this.
I always dropped ammo or health even when someone didn’t need it. I mainly liked playing engineer and sniper so no I didn’t have health or ammo to give myself. How about you quit your bitching, I did fix the issue but there are other classes that don’t have medkits or ammo packs to drop. Then again you probably won’t…
Fucking preach man, had to quit BF3 cause no one drops ammo or health. Seriously a single button press and my ass can go back to helping the team instead of having to wait to respawn.
Which to buy, hmm, all three because while each has something different to bring to the plate they are all amazing games. Yes they are the same basically, but they are worth it.
This is actually really cool, I mean most people would have up and quit. I will definitely be checking this out.
Really, damn I have to get back into reading comics.
I’m not surprised that it’s shit, I am however surprised that it has John Cenas voice and apparently Tigra is in it. Admitidly I haven’t kept up with comics for about 6 years now (man being an adult made life boring) so I have no clue if she has shown up in anything recently.
Not sure why people continue to use Steam for their Visual novels/eroge games, buy fromKitty Media or G-Collections and support them or download them from JastUSA since most of the ones on steam are on there.