

Thanks for your kind words - however in all honesty I was 39 when I did that! It was my first car with more than 150 bhp so I went a bit nuts. Never again - I well and truly got the stupid out of my system.

Already covered:

I would go with my trusty tank catapult.

By far the stupidest thing I’ve done in a car was caused by road rage / frustration. I was driving home on the motorway back from London about 1.00am and traffic was minimal. I come up behind a guy in an SUV doing 80mph in the third lane. Both inside lanes were completely empty. I sat behind him for 10 minutes and

I’ll cheat and go for the Library at Unseen University. Many an hour spent pondering L-Space, looking out for banana skins and listening for the faintest “Ook” murmured to reassure the reader that all is well.

I agree things certainly have advanced in the last ten years. In my town all households are given three bins – one for plastics and tins, one for cardboard and paper and one for general waste. The general waste has to be put in semi-clear bags supplied by the council so that the collectors can check to see if you are

Sounds like a plan to me - after all we do have precedent

If you've read the Harry Potter books then I'd definately give this a read, but only if you have read all the books as the fanfiction in the link spoils the hell out of all the Potter books.

Fair enough ;)

Advanced sure - but they are still reasonable explainations. Magical? Supernatural? Nah.

Impossible =/= magical. Further this universe came into being from scratch or so is theorised. Is this universe magical or does it follow a set of physical laws that we haven't fully understood yet?

Yeah - like Luca Doggi sleeps with the birdies tonight

Sufficiently advanced technology would just be that - technology. And I don't agree that a 'magical' event has the same meaning, literal or cultural as an 'inexplicable' event. I can't remember ever hearing of an inexplicable event as being called magical. Roswell? UFO's? Nessie? Bigfoot? Name one example when this

I'm not gonna bust out the dictionary definition of magic for the fourth time in this thread - have a look online, but magic is defined pretty much as having a 'supernatural' element or some form of spell (think Harry Potter).

A fair point.

I just don't believe that we would ever be that less advanced people now. I think we understand too much, or we understand *how* to understand too much if that makes sense.

Um how can I take the definition of magic too literally? It has it's meaning. Is there another non-literal definition of magic I'm missing?