Next up on io9: How to club baby seals and squish puppies - stay tuned!
Next up on io9: How to club baby seals and squish puppies - stay tuned!
Perhaps... one... that you forgot?
Does it have an et al.? If it has an et al. that’s proper science that is.
It's 10.30 PM PDT which will be 6.30 AM in the UK / GMT. GMT / UTC is usually used but io9 is a US site so...
No it was strictly New Line. Who also tried to rip off Peter Jackson himself and he had to sue New Line to get his profit share.
Although he was used to the pain while in prison I thought that having had the mask on for so many years he would’ve got used to being pain free.
Cavemen. Of course Cavemen always win.
WTF are you talking about? JRRT's trash bin? There were 70 boxes of his writings that were passed on to his son at his death. You think The Silmarillion is trash? The Narn I Hin Hurin? The Unfinished Tales?
It's conspiracy alright - it's the CIA up to their old tricks putting LSD in the buttermilk.
It wasn't just that the Tolkien estate didn't like aspects of the movies, it was the fact that New Line tried to rip them off for $150 million, or all the money they were due from the movies.
From wiki:
I’m pretty certain littledragon called dibs on all the brown ones. And the red ones. And the blue ones.
The problem I've heard is that they don't have the rights to anything apart from The Hobbit and LOTR so where they are going to get the material for three movies is beyond me.
That hit the bottom quite swiftly...
British Rail, not London Underground. It's a whole other level of unworldly uselessness. Like if Bane dealt with British Rail like he dealt with Gotham (like blow parts of it up and try to nuke it), the service would actually improve.
You're not really getting this are you? They only have the rights to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Anything additional like The Unfinished Tales is off limits.