I give you... the Earth Dragger!
I give you... the Earth Dragger!
I don't know where to start on that one - on the one hand you say you can't be a scientist and have a pledge to god and on the other you say you can be religious and be a scientist. Which one is it?
You cannot have science without secularism? So you can't have science if you have a pledge to god is what you are saying?
As did you with their comment.
When they're not whining.
Maybe you actually have to read something to see if you're going to enjoy it or not.
I’m sorry George but what possible relevance does this article have to science or science fiction? Whether you views are anti-religious or anti-monarchist you put yourself clearly on the side of the intolerant.
Clearly they didn't. They have every right to comment. You have no right to insult the commenter.
I once used a Dyson to suck plaster off a wall so I don't doubt you.
Are you sure the rover doesn't run on alcohol?
Use of Weapons.
Then there’s me! Mrs. 3TS said I was a super hero for rescuing the next door neighbour’s spiteful, spitting, clawed, little shi- I mean fluffy kitty cat from our tree in the back garden (nearly threw it back over the fence). Naturally the cat would be CGI in the movie. Maybe.
You know at that age (18) I’d been dating my first girlfriend for 5 years and I’d never heard her do either. It was a revelation.
Use of Weapons.
I remember my General Studies A level exam. We were seated in the gym in the usual manner - rows of individual desks about four feet apart. 15 minutes into the exam the girl seated in front of me and one to the left burped and farted at the same time.
I'm so looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises but whenever I see the title I can't help but think of this :p
Rarely comment on Jalopnik - but had to. That was... perfect.
I don't think it's a case of advantage but of not being left behind. Look at the list of countries invoved in the ISS: US, Russia, Europe, Brazil, Japan, South Korea - even Malaysia. The US, Japan and South Korea are strategically aligned against China and the rest are neutral at best (though Europe comes under NATO…
I’m sure part of it propaganda as you say, but a much larger part I think is that China was excluded from participating in the ISS (US vetoed their joining). A ton of zero gravity experiments are conducted on the ISS as well gathering the data on how humans manage long term exposure to zero gravity environments. Who…