
It's the Space curse, don't talk about it.

First of all it’s not catastrophically expensive as recent history is showing. We are well on the way to cutting average car CO2 emissions drastically and if I remember correctly GM just announced record profits. This is the usual nonsense that is brought out every time. History has shown repeatedly that challenge

Those would indeed be [terror]nipples

I'm sure she'll win you back over.

Compared to the total number of movie directors in history, 13 odd is tiny.

I'm afraid not.

Can you name one actor/ actress who is headlining two TV shows at the same?

I, for one, will not be making you angry.

Are you kidding me? The only thing we're most advanced at is the number of CCTV cameras per head of population.

First they came for Pluto. And I said nothing. Then they came for Triceratops. And I said...

Rolls Royce Camargue. Because nothings says luxury like seventeen feet of sod-off.

I find few shows as maddening as Fringe. When it’s on top form it’s some of the best TV I’ve ever seen. But lord the plotting is so erratic. While I go with the flow and enjoy it overall, a part of me is always nagging me saying this show is waisting so much potential for greatness.

Please read.

What I want to know is what Hamslicer has to say about this. I want expert opinion not some 'facts' from the 'USDA' whatever that is.

What I want to know is is this guy Scottish? If not there's now way it would hold together.

Because she's worth it!

They'd be working for the nazis!


No worries - this post now has twice the awesome :)