
"accidentally casts a love potion that awakens her friends' libidos"

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I think Bane might've been a RAF bomber pilot in another life

I love Southland Tales. The film is WTF, the soundtrack is great, and it has SMG playing a porn star and looking extra fluffy.

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I always thought the TARDIS sounded like a couple of Narwhal humping with some dolphins cheering on at the end.

No - it was usually the Eagle has crashed lol.

Unless it's got an Eagle parked outside, it ain't no moonbase.

Holst The Planets

Yeah, it looks all innocent, but inside...

I don't think it was Jenkins lol. I think it escaped by itself.

Bacofoil. Accept no substitutes.

Yeah I totally get this from AA. I ordered the chicken on my first and last flight with them and it tasted like cloned tuberculosis.

Hello. My name is Indio De Leon. You killed my mother. Prepare to die.

Shh!... it's the basis of the next Indiana Jones...

That’s easy. A crumpet is a trumpet they play at a cricket match.

Sure – why not? Their policies are. Bada-boom!

Needs more Katarina. I'm just sayin.

Fair point - maybe I am too jaundiced - but I still think they're just a collection of people rather than intelligent entities in themselves - mobs aren't that clever generally.

I fell for this show the first episode when Chestbridge walks in and says "Alright. Let’s get straight to the biscuits." This has been my go to line in every business meeting I’ve had since. I wish io9 would do a review. Maybe I’ll email CJ.

I’m with you on that. After all the crap he’s had to deal with in his career I’m really glad he’s hitting the mainstream with what looks like a complete success.