If this was an article in a magazine, I'd want to tear it out and hug it.
If this was an article in a magazine, I'd want to tear it out and hug it.
It's by Mutoid Waste Co.:
What info though? I have a false username and a burner email address registered with Gawker. My comment history has always been public anyway. What else would there be?
Spammerovthegods / IF is that you?
Agreed - it looks to me like we're getting our Death Star on!
So what is this? A movie prop? Unbelievable.
I have a question - I understand Gawker Media get a secure authenication system out of this.
ETM where is your avatar and your star?
Sorry Ovid gets a pass - it was Catullus the git.
The reason why there isn't a Harry Potter clone is that sadly Avada Kedavra wouldn't actually work against the legion of lawyers that would descend on the CW like swarm of locusts.
Well, not Newton.
"Aren’t you a little short to be a Stormtroper?"
Sorry I don't know - I just googled and this was my favourite. I can't seem to find the link again.
Great thanks io9. I go away, come back, refresh the page and BAM! Creepy monkey-skull guy is staring right at me. Cheers.
Nah - they must have used margarine.
I like this one.
But not all cats.
A Negasphere! Feed it, feed it. Boskone beware.