Tony Danza

Odd, I consider forcing people to conform to your subjective moral standards the definition of “asshole.”


Seriously. I haven’t even read the article yet but that article made me have to say something. Talk about pretentious.

I died.

Came here to comment on that, glad you were already the top one.

Whoa there. Lancaster’s actually pretty nice. You want to talk about armpits Reading fits the bill way better.

Jon was DJ’ing at a local club I frequent some months back. They relegated him to the “lounge” section while they let their main act work the floor. Even in terms of no name local DJ’s Jon’s skills were a joke. I’m pretty sure he just put on a Top Hits spotify playlist and waved his hands around.

Well maybe if your ilk didn’t shame and shun them for speaking their mind they wouldn’t feel the need to hide behind burners? Duh?


Yea, and they’re just as retarded.

Hit a nerve?

No I’m pretty sure that’s one of the things Euron claims (and likely did).


Wrong lion. That line refers to Reynes, whose emblem was a red lion.

You’re right, you ARE a stupidly proud idiot.

Deal with it fag.

ShindoL is from New York.

Haha, came here to mention Based Hulk but see you did it already. Nice.

Maybe you didn’t say it, but your friends sure as hell do.

Are you fucking retarded? How fucking ignorant do you have to be to think the US is “bad” where racism is concerned? How toxic must your pathetic little bubble that you live in? THIS is why you get lambasted when you complain about your pathetic little first world problems like “people don’t respect my gender