
Where can I get one of these two-dimensional televisions? I hate it when my television has depth: thinner than a piece of paper for me, thank you.

Well that's just plain wrong. Bad Winnipeg.

Weird, I do not see the image I just posted.

Hypnotoad > Hypnocube

When that happens to me, I just refresh the page, and it starts working again. (Most of the time[Chrome])

Oh, that's amusing.

This is starting to feel a bit movie-esque.

Yey, there is nothing like a healthy dose of speculation.

So, Gizmodo, all of Gawker, how long are you renewed for, then?

I don't remember Anonymous making obvious typos before?

You are correct about the preposterous headlines. :)

That's unfortunate.

Sounds like somebody's jealous.

Does it have to be a good app?

That sounds quite awful, to be honest. ;)

It does not. WeatherBug on my phone told me that the "feels-like" temperature was -27 degrees Celsius last evening.

Are there any other points where the temperature in Fahrenheits is the same as the temperature in degrees Celsius?

You're lucky :).

You win the internetz.

Yes... "Harsh winter".