
I get that most people here dislike the Kardashians, but the fact that people are not only celebrating them being robbed, but also jokingly calling for their deaths is tasteless. If you don't like them, don't support them, but don't be an asshole about it.

When I was a baby my dad would have to either find a unisex bathroom with a changing table or a 1-person women's bathroom and awkwardly wait for it to be empty so he could change me. :/

Ohhh the irony of telling Beyoncé to be a classier woman while having a close up of her ass.

I thought she looked so plastic until she posted that makeup free picture last week with her sister's magazine. She may have a nose job but not half of the work I thought. She still looked very human.

Ughhh I wish I could have a 45 degree angle passport picture! That's the most flattering angle for my face, straight-on is horrible. It makes me feel bad for people who sit in front of me on public transportation.

I have not, but a friend of mine had that. She said the only thing she disliked about it was the fact that it made her gain 10 pounds.

Is that some shade towards Gabby Douglas?? :'(

My doctor warned me I was likely to be nauseous when I first started birth control. I'm not sure how she knew I was the type of person who was at risk for it, but somehow I was. Thankfully it went away after a few weeks of use.

My roommate is like that! She puts at least 7 sugars in an 8 oz travel mug of coffee, plus an already sweetened flavor creamer! It's disgusting.

There was one that was a little slower than the others and always lagged behind when they ran. I just wanted to scoop him up and make him my own.

When you listen to the song it sounds like she says "escalators" before "elevator" and it's just been misquoted.

Lincoln has his face on two currencies, too, though.

Michelle Bachman has always seem like an SNL character come to life.

She's only like 16, too. :/

I'm sad because Robin Thicke was great on the first season of Real Husbands of Hollywood. :'(

But in this hypothetical society, what happens to cultural customs? What happens to beliefs and legends and ceremonies? What happens to dances and regalia and language?

I understand your point, and I agree with it, but sickle cell anemia is found across ethnic groups (Africans, Caribbeans, South Asians, and Mediterraneans).

I have that type of nose (except it is also rounded at the end, which is not attractive at all) and was always told to get plastic surgery when I was a kid. I'm glad I accepted it as a sign of my ethnic backgrounds rather than changing it when I got older.

How the hell would she have time to apartment shop on her own while on tour with her husband?

Yes, yes, yes!! Thank you for being sane!