
You deserve MANY stars.

Perhaps Obama should have taken fewer golfing trips and spent more time promoting his agenda. Then all this wouldn’t be “last minute”. Of course the administration was rock solid secure in their belief that the heir apparent would be crowned without a hitch.

George Lucas, called “A New Hope”

Insert stupid “I live in NYC and we don’t have garages.” “...but our town is so much better than whatever shithole you live in.”comment.

I’ll take my nice garage, and because my house is built on a slope it’s heated and adjacent to the basement. I’d love to put a floor drain in so I can do my own winter car washes

I use a garage.

Somewhat early on during flight training, I asked my instructor a question about the airport we were going to land at. He looked at me, then let his head fall against the side window and muttered: “I just died”.

He didn’t say another word until we landed. In other words, rely only on yourself. Seems this is another

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I just saw Rogue One. I’m now watching the extended edition.

I’d be more okay with this if they kept the Top Gear circuit and then built the houses around that. Who wouldn’t want to live on 69 Followthrough Way?

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.


I so want all four episodes to be increasing amounts of Diggle reaction shots to the events.

and you woul be wrong..

This is more of a win for common sense and decency.

If it was not off by 1.5psi it could have been easily prevented.

How many Chromebooks can run Final Cut Pro?

YES! I want those damn V8's back again though :/

Hey - if you can’t trust the government.... Oh shit. Wait. Fuck - you can’t trust the government.

Um - I watch that with the volume down and it ain’t my vocabulary that expands.

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Sounds mean? Maybe you and I are working from a different reference point.

I'm bored.