its a license plate cover...
nom nom nom nom
too bad the annotation actually shows you specifically what i was pointing out in a smaller picture
Hi Five! im from Carrollton, anyway i have an Equinox, the V6 has 300HP and AWD, 0-60 in 6.5 secs
Stop in Baton Rouge, see the Mississippi River
its 2013, can we get better video quality than 360p?
Yes! I was looking at one in person the other day and they are indeed Honda look a like if not identical
You don't have to call sprint... You just LINK them online at so he did it wrong by calling.
I read every comment on here in Clarksons voice...
he did it wrong, you dont port your sprint number, you just join them together.
I Love how Google so seamlessly integrates my Sprint number into the GV system, i text and call normally from my phone, but i can text and call anywhere with Internet, all for free, from my Sprint number!
like sarge said... got the GoPro charged?
Wait... You actually wanted one of these things?
Where is "Jaan" again?...
Hey Rutledge! TGA should do a 'Small American Crossover Test' as long as your include an AWD 2013 Chevrolet Equinox! yall could try and pull small trailers, and of course Drag race!
I want to drive that thing indoors without ANY body panels, yes I'd use the seatbelt, but it would be fun, like a go-kart