
I noticed the omission of ‘customer’ too.  Everybody wins when you don’t count the people who lose

The postwar Big 3 never had any desire to build quality cars at affordable prices. America is the land where size = value, so why make a small car? Every compact car that was designed and built by them was done so with apparent contempt for the buyer. Their 4-cylinder engines were dogs, the build quality was

Are Japanese and Korean companies losing money on their small cars?

“It’s better for everybody,” she said. “It’s better for the car company, it’s better for the dealer.”

The problem with building & selling fewer relatively inexpensive vehicles is that eventually, they will run out of buyers for the relatively more expensive vehicles. Then, GM will have to cut production again, in order to keep supply tight, or revert to large incentives like we’ve seen in the past. People who spend

I’m not entirely sure that this one lap program is necessarily a barometer of an elitist problem with F1. It’s an exclusive offer for rich people who happen to be there to partake in should they so choose.

This is why the video evidence of my assorted crimes won’t hit YouTube until after I’m dead.

I’ve got to disagree entirely. While the two are similar, the amount of confusion between the two can be huge. One is a sequential transmission, the other is not. One can have the clutch slipped almost endlessly, the other can not. One requires moving a little thing with your toe up/down, the other requires moving a

They think screaming racist is debate. It’s the inevitable conclusion to these interactions, from my experience.

Thanks, Buddy! That’s a real compliment from someone who call themselves Poop!

Jeep’s analysis is pretty simple:

In other news, the Proud Boys are suing Hongqi to change their name.

if Ford named the eco-sport after me, or if chevrolet named the Trax after me.... id be pretty pissed. 

As soon as I read that you were getting quotes and viewpoints from the New York Times, I stopped reading your article. 

Where? No, seriously, I haven’t heard of any mad natives until last week when it supposedly became offensive.

Fair enough, there’s been no claim to money - you’re completely right. But giving the options of “change the name or else” is still hardly something I can back. This would be like my country freaking out about a vehicle called the Canada. If it doesn’t negatively impact us in any way, shape or form, why tell them to

Oof, that Chief should feel embarrassed by this. The Jeep doesn’t play in to any aboriginal stereotypes, doesn’t have any negative connotations to the Cherokee people or anything else, it’s literally just a name.

Its funny they say they do not represent modern day native Americans. We know that already. 

The Cherokee Nation wasn't complaining in the 80s and 90s, just with the most recent models... can't say I blame them.

Lol @ Jeep trying to make a statement but ending up showing everyone how spineless they are. What a joke. They probably saw this as a welcome excuse to pull the commercial after all the backlash it got