
Nope. VW has a huge presence here, and the rules which they are playing by and hosing us over on are the ones our Americans corporations set up to fuck us. By saying FUCK YOU to VW, we are saying FUCK YOU to all corporations in America that engage in these practices. If it happens in the courts or in the media, it

I’m not saying it’s right, im saying fuck you corporate America.

Donald Trump uses a loophole to avoid paying taxes for ten years and he is seen as a shrewd businessman that we elected president. Average Joe tries to test the waters around a loophole and we hate him.

I said this in the last thread about this car - this is basically setting a precedent that owners will be forced to keep the cars in great shape as VW will want to profit from either reselling them later or selling the parts themselves.

I believe that VW should take the few cars that have already been stripped, but make sure that no more will be accepted after that.

did anything he say become binding? most people couldn’t give two fucks about a judge frowning on their behavior.. unless there is a compelling consequence such as “stripping your car denies you a buyback”... short of that.. this is just hot air

Was Volkswagon in the wrong on the emissions cheating? Yes. And they’re paying for it, both literally and figureatively. Does that make what he’s doing right? Not at all.

So when I’m following the spirit of the law and get a traffic safety violation, the judge tells me tough tittysprinkles; pay the fine on your way out.

It’s getting crushed anyways. Until VW releases a plan to reuse the vehicles(Spec TDI), they should be forced to accept any that meet legal registration requirements, which vary by state and location.

It seems odd the judge is threatening official action, as if he’s just saying it’s wrong, but currently the actual wording/agreement for the return doesn’t truly prohibit it....

Had Joe not done it so publicly, flaunting it in VW’s face, this wouldn’t have happened.

Well, until the Judge officially amends the Consent Decree then VW legally has to accept the car by the word of the buyback. There is no “spirit” of a directly written legal document in this case, it’s not the constitution and is not a living document

I test drove a Tesla model S and I was not impressed with the interior at all. Pretty much any entry level German luxury car had a much more refined interior at a third the price. I’m not going to sell a kidney to buy a Tesla until they improve their interiors. I also wasn’t a fan of the regenerative braking or the

The typical Tesla apologist will be enthused I’m sure. Of course, prior to this, there was no difference in panel gap and interior quality between Tesla and Audi/BMW/Mercedes/Lexus/Infiniti/Acura/Volvo, etc. But now that Volvo engineers are helping, be ready to hear the incessant drones of Tesla fanboys spouting off

Some automakers get the interior right, but then lose it on the Exterior. From behind the wheel, you don’t see how ugly the car is -

less is more

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Finally. Maybe now the Tesla interiors will start to look like they’re worth $100k, because right now the Model S feels like a $40k car at best.

“I am of the opinion that carmakers should never skimp on interiors because that is where most car owners actually spend the majority of their time.”

Should make it a nicer place to wait for your flat bed truck.