Also, negotiate, shop around for competing offers, and be ready to walk out
Also, negotiate, shop around for competing offers, and be ready to walk out
You might be the one of the like 3 people on this thread with a brain good lord I did not miss comment sections
Jesus Christ the amount of retardation in this tread gave me cancer
Lmao damn so many people here with garbage opinions
Definitely saw this car/chassis on Salomondrin before
Likewise the 4th gen Subaru Legacu still, and always, will look so good. I love the back angle but it’s so understated and handsome. Just a clean timeless design
The worst part is s/he was totally legally parked and well within the spot and still ended up getting screwed
Why would anyone pay more than a Model S for this? Like seriously what was the seller thinking
Lol fuck this is accurate
I’m glad posts like this exist so I don’t feel like a man child for buying most of the Lego Speed Champions sets
Break ups aren’t fun for anyone, even if they’re celebrities. Just consider that before you make fun of other people’s misfortunes.
I can’t believe Tesla still doesn’t do HUDs. The 3 would have been a perfect candidate for it esp since the screen is in the middle which is always a pain in the ass
What a shitpost. Companies are finally acknowledging they don’t need to kill millions of animals to sell a vehicle, they should be getting all the support. Leather is a garbage material as it is, so they should be applauded for using better materials regardless.
Great example of correlation does not imply causation. “Minority” neighborhoods are a way, way higher risk of theft and crime. It has nothing to do with race, the unfortunate truth is that these high crime, low income neighborhoods are were minorities live. Now that’s a much bigger socio economic problem that needs to…
To someone who knows about tractors: aren’t these Lambos just rebranded Deutz Fahrs at this point?
“if you would like more information on this issue as it progresses, please subscribe to this article for further updates.”
Lol if you were worried about paying bills or putting a roof over your family’s head and your solution is to turn to YouTube as income then you’d be a moron
Anyone who relies on YouTube ad revenue as their primarily source of income is an idiot. 0 sympathy. If you’re going to make you’re own job you have to know how to do it correctly. It’s not even that hard, you bring your followers to your own site from YouTube where you can control the ad revenue and run a merch…
El oh el did you just call the c-130 a “little known aircraft”? Because of all the 4 engine high wing aircraft that’s easily the most popular
For pretty much anything under $20k, NP