
I’m all for using masks and wish more people would and less people would wear them as chin diapers. That out of the way, do we have any data on the rate of transmission for people wearing masks as they are today (simple cloth masks or whatever they have on) vs other means of catching COVID?

I mean, you can understand a lot of that without subjecting yourself to that flaming dumpster fire of a book.

Yep, I get these annoying little f—-ers from time to time. I always just wet a cotton swab and use that. It works dry, of course, but feels less scratchy on my throat if I run it under a lukewarm tap first.

The IRS rate is fairly reasonable estimate of the actual cost to drive a car when all expenses including depreciation are considered. You may not write a check for all those costs, but over time you do pay them.

The thing that leaves out is that it is EXTREMELY unlikely you will get to anything near 1000 viewers on Twitch. If you are averaging 1000 viewers, you are in the top 1% or so of all streamers on Twitch. And I have no idea what the article is referring to with videos, as it seems to classify them as different than

I was gonna give it a chance and then saw the $50 price tag... WTF people?

Well I thought it was going to be insanely predatory monetization, so this is better than that, at least. Shame they stole it in the first place, though, especially seeing as Roblox is lowkey one of the biggest games in the world now. (“Roblox also announced it now has over 150 million monthly active users” from their

this is a bit off-topic (just a bit) but *I* wish I could stream and get $5 donations.. $5 is like a million in my country’s money. my poor, poor economically battered 3rd-world country.. oh well

This is one of those fancy lawyer jobs I said would probably be an exception!

jail for you for 1000 years

Yeah. Kotaku writers need to load this site without an adblock before making any comments how any other service does ads.. Or whether it fucking sucks or not.

you just want people randomly doing the chicken dance

Considering the Navy navigates vast oceans and rough seas, you’d think they’d be better at handling streams.

In other news tacobells removing the Mexican Pizza from their menu 🤬

Yes, I was just plain wrong there. I was thinking about non-PC emus, which was odd of me. We’ve removed the line.

Wait, you’re hoping that people pay for a lesser version of a game, and then that Nintendo releases an expanded version of that game for free as a fuck you to everyone who paid for it? This would go over well? 

Nintendo: “Emulators are bad! If you’re using emulators, you’re basically stealing!”

I know this gets hate. Especially because of the misleading headlines that said you must pay $10 for every characters battle pass. So I want to clarify to some misinformed folks.

Did you read the next sentence?

After reading this thread, I think I could have been more thoughtful in framing it more about being respectful about spitting than about not spitting. If swallowing makes anyone feel genuinely uncomfortable, they shouldn’t do it. Period. But you can spit in a way that’s respectful and doesn’t make your partner feel