
oh jeez. As long as they don’t tie PC bug fix patches to the PS version. Consoles take forever to release a patch because of certification.

I imagine she’s got an announcement lined up.  Otherwise she didn’t have to announce a good bye.  Just stream less or stop streaming.  

LOL ME?! My whole post is about why public servers are awful.  You, my friend should re-read my comment.

Byo, is hardly a fair critic here.

He’s posted ““I am doing this becuase I think it’s disgusting how much Palworld glorifies animal abuse”

The guy clearly has a bone to pick and is going to be cherry picking his examples.

Nearly anytime you play a game that lets you choose public servers over private, always choose private. Public servers have 0 moderation. Private servers might have bad moderation but at least it’s something.

There are downsides to a private server, but if you pick a good one you’ll come out WAY AHEAD of a public one.

I’m happy to see the author didn’t praise them for doing the right thing.

Look, I LOVE gamepass. 0 qualms with paying for it because the value is great.

The dude could have just made a portal demake and would have been fine. But since he made it to basically run on a N64 (WHY?!) he invited the wrath of one of the WORST game companies around.

Came to comments for the same question.  Author seems to have a bone to pick with the guy.  Comparing the last 3 paragraphs to the actual video is jarring.

well their gimmick is sure to draw in a ton of people. They’ll have a huge opportunity to succeed or fail. That’s more then a lot of indie devs get.

A game that is barely held together through its odd launcher, with bad servers, some questionable match making, and a horrid cash shop, but I still have fun with it.

I’m with this guy. This is a minefield for Steam to do.

Ha this was EPIC. Glad to see it.  I know when I try to learn a complicated game, like DOTA 2, smurfs absolutely destoyed the new player experience.

It was often the most wishlisted game on Steam for much of 2023. A lot of people thought a no-name development team could build a AAA open world MMO.  It didn’t help that the dev team CLEARLY LIED about what features would be in the game.

Guess we’ll see next year if they learned. Huge events like this are difficult and cant really be changed mid-way, so hopefully they do better next time.

I would guess he won’t be smoking.  None of your arguments actually did anything to refute the reason why movies and games have drastically reduced the number of characters that smoke.  The whole article was “It was cool and he did it before”.

No surprise. I made my decision when everyone got hyped for some CGI and a trailer. I googled the dev team and saw that this project was WAY beyond anything they’ve ever built and wasn’t going to be the AAA project a lot of people wanted.

My understanding is the locals pay less then a foreign company

I’m 36 and I buy MTX in my games, so I totally get it, but I HATE giving it as a gift to my kids (9 & 11). I try to buy them gaming accessories instead. I listed some of my tech gifts for other parents to get some ideas.

Until someone DDOS’s the site and the learn they can’t do direct orders.  That Disney TCG game Lorcana tried the same thing and asshats ruined it.