
Oof 10 years old.  I’m not an Apple fan but I can say that their tablets last a really long time.  I’m not sure they last 10 years though.  Enough to feel snappy and have a battery last the day.

My favorite moment was when in the camp. My companions got in a fight and later one murdered the other. The corpse sat around for many many days

This was supposed to be an xpac / dlc and not a full game.  They shifted it part way through.  Expect lack of value.  Every time a company changes their mind about xpac vs full launch the consumers get screwed.

Don’t be mad at the author. He made a mistake, admitted it, and it just pre-warning all you nice folks. (Probably also hitting a article quota too, but thats his job).

Alex is awesome.. Highly recommend his youtube and twitch content. My favorite YT video is the one where he joins randoms in Warhammer Darktide, while playing as the character he did, and then he roleplays on the microphone. The random peoples reactions are hilarious as they realize its not a sound board and this guy

It’s probably that stupid windows anti-ransomware thing.  Stupid thing tries so hard to protect your documents folder and ends up screwing up a ton of gaming related settings/saves.

Bah, what a load of crap. Game of Thrones was HUGE and well loved (till the end).

I’m on the fence on this one.

I really enjoy using chatgpt but boy is it bad at math. Ask it word problems that involve %’s and it’ll often forget to jump the decimal place over 2 spots.

Yeah, I threw $20 at doge coin through Robinhood(eww) for fun.  I never expected it to do anything but it’s a fun experiment that lets me have some skin in the game on a silly subject.

What’s the site that lets me scan my pieces with my phone and download custom building sets and let’s me order missing process?

Huh, never thought we’d see this.  

I’m not sure, but when I bought and sold rare pennies, 15 years ago, these were common on ebay. They’d sell you a pile of junk pennies, but promised that one of the piles had the ultra rare penny.

I think its the drama thing. I donno, its a bad guess.

I hated the story. I should have just skipped all the cutscenes.

I wonder if the next bonus for the CEO is going to be smaller or bigger then the previous one.

I’d say their “recommended for you” algorithm is very “AI” like already. I’m surprised they want to hire a “real AI” person because they clearly have a great algorithm team.

Seems like someone at the ESRB took a sales call and got sold on something nobody wants.  They’re inventing a problem that doesn’t exist.

I pushed a button where I *thought* I knew it was going to do. That’s the problem. When using something that has real $ value, it should be 100% clear on what it’s going to do.

Thanks. They denied my first attempt with a very “no refunds blah blah”.