Tomb: R.O.A.C.H. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

In a world... In which no one can see...

Does it end with the main character becoming a demon?

I’m excited about trying the new Saints Row’s character creator. Because that is what I spent most of my hours in while playing three and four.

The sneakers looks kinda... Dirty? Like someone washed them in slightly muddy water. 

What about the Ashe novel? Will they re-write the entire book? Or the zone in WoW Legion?

Looks like a game that want me to pay for energy crystals at some point after the tutorial.

Pretty sure Witcher does have tilt shift. 

So did we ever find out if she joined a cult or something that the Solar power single felt like?

Just sounds like a chill-out area at a rave.

If you’re on the hunt for a mechanically complex adventure game, Last Stop probably isn’t for you

I bet we are gonna be able to put a space station in systems without them.

Skipping around in the video and is really confused why she is watching herself.

The Dome wrote great reviews of The Dome.

As a Swede I have a hard time understanding that people can not be in a union.

I saw the top image and thought “what a great The Mountain Goats cosplay.”

The Mummy came to mind a lot while watching Jungle Cruise. 

So this game is a open world choice matter rpg set in the Cyberpunk world created by Mike Pondsmith? Ooh! That sounds awesome!

Played Cris Tales today. But gave up after like my sixth attempt at the first boss. I just can’t take having to watch the same cut scene over and over again after each loss. 

Now playing

Legally Blonde The Musical is one of my all time favorite musicals based on a movie. (along with Heathers the Musical and Evil Dead the musical.)

safe, not-particularly-exciting conditions, Rober, Schnapp, and shark expert/marine biologist Luke Tipple conduct an experiment that involves them swimming with the sharks.