
Thanks for your unsolicited opinion.

Yep, they do. Maybe I should have taken the time to list all the countries to satisfy those looking for prejudice under every rock?

Can Gizmodo get any lamer than this? OK, I'm sorry. I'm sure they will.

What if Apple, and others, started using American made parts? Why did the USA stop making electronics? Yeah, I know, cheap labor, but wouldn't you be willing to spend more for American Made products giving Americans jobs? I would.

Title is "Bad Guys Access 75,000 University of Wisconsin Social Security Numbers"

What does FTW mean?



Yes, I like my name and am not ashamed by what I post, where I surf, or what I do on the NET. Having a good VPN helps too! ;-)

I know you can give a thumbs down to stories, but sites?

Adding descriptions to your files via a hidden descript.ion file. 4DOS used to do this and I missed it. DOPUS does it well.

How do you "dislike" specific sites or authors? Always wanted to do that!

After a couple of comments it turned, as usual, into a pissing contest. Such rabid displays of "mine is bigger" comments makes me think that Apple and Amazon developers were posting here, not just consumers.

Somewhat on topic:

Why be concerned? After all, it's Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, it would be a shame to enlighten folks on much better ways to accurately rip CDs.

I honestly can't remember if it was Plex or Zumocast, but one of them left lots of files on my hard drive which, I assume, were products of transcoding.

You're not.

@ws45or Too bad there isn't a "troll" filter for Lifehacker to prevent me from seeing posts from horse-toothed jackasses like you :-/