
As a lawyer and (considering maybe someday becoming) future judge, with a husband younger than I am, I approve this message.

You are making my unfun afternoon a lot better.

Yeahhhh, me too. Hell, I sing in an acoustic cover band. I’m a sucker for a guy on guitar.

I have 2 kids. I was working freelance when they were babies. I started law school when they were 2 and 4 years old. In my experience, both with my own babies and the babies of women I knew who gave birth during grad school or law school, as long as it’s not fussing or unwell a baby of wearing age is rarely doing


Admitted, agreed. He was an abusive dick. That is not unexpected in musicians and songwriters, even talented ones, but the massive pass he gets from society - or, more to the point, the way he’s beatified as a quasi-saint for being anti-war - leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

I just squealed at my desk.

I can’t remember if my nose bled, but my lip did. I also had bite-shaped bruises on my boobs from time to time.

Yup. :(

Ah, yes. I once got head-butted in the face during a vigorous cuddle, giving me a vicious fat lip and bruised chin and cheek. I’ve also renamed “sandal season” “toes constantly being crushed by little boy shoes season”.

If you’re a passenger in a vehicle they’re driving and you’re injured and you need insurance to cover your treatment and recovery and lost future earnings and so on? You’d likely have to.

I’m pretty sure the statement of claim will show the child is being sued via his guardian ad litem, probably his father. As others have said, this is probably one of those unfortunate cases where insurance won’t pay out without a legal claim. Without seeing the claim and the evidence they’re relying on, as a lawyer I

So glad you’re here to do the heavy legal lifting in response to all the “burn the witch” sentiments. I’m a research lawyer and among other things I edit an insurance law textbook. These suing family member cases are a mind bend to people who don’t understand how insurance law works.

You make a good point. As we say in practice, “bad facts make bad laws.”

He’s a 12-year-old boy. He wants big muscles, not to stay 100 lbs. I’d rather he didn’t worry about having big muscles, but that’s where he’s at right now.

Oh, interesting - and a bit worrisome. I actually still buy whole milk, these boys are so skinny. The body dissatisfaction starts young for boys, too. The 12yo bemoans his lack of muscles and wants a gym membership :(

Cosigned. Hell, this last week when we were on vacation my kid kept taking his cereal with skim milk and I was baffled. I buy the good milk at home! Why are you (5’6 and 100 lbs) opting for the milk-water??

I’m one of those “all drab greys and blacks and solid earth tones with one bright/patterned accent” people, so I am in complete agreement with you. I would wear one of the skirts, or one of the jackets, or one of the blouses - if everything else was extremely muted.

I wouldn’t call my position political, exactly, but policy-based. Wrongful convictions happen - heck, people confess to crimes they didn’t commit all the time. We cannot create a legal structure in which there is zero risk of an innocent person being executed, if the death sentence is an option - and I say that as a

Thank you - I was baffled at this assertion, since one of my favourite parts of train travel in Japan was picking out our ekiben!