
I thought the same thing!

Oh. No. Nononono. Both substances are an affront to tomato anything and hot pepper anything.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: it is not my job, and it is not the responsibility of women everywhere, to manage other people’s urges for them.

In the words of John Oliver, “a clown made of mummified foreskin and cotton candy.”

Also my immediate reaction!

I would have turned into a stammering blushing idiot. And I’m waaay too old/married to behave that way.

Yowch. Speaking as someone who had bad chronic ear infections as a kid, and wound up with tubes in the eardrums to drain them, I feel for you.

THIS. I had a friend who was a competitive runner who started dating and bemoaned the fact that going on the pill in order to have safe sex with him meant having periods again. She turned up in my office asking for a tampon because she didn’t have any, because she was a competitive distance runner.

Mine will adjust by a 10-day margin in order to ensure that it comes while I’m on vacation or travelling for work.

Family culture is huge. My dad grew up on a farm and my mom’s mom was a hypochondriac nurse that my mom rebelled against. I was basically mocked any time I wanted to go to the doctor. My FIL was a doctor, and my husband remembers having a broken wrist dealt with at home with a cereal box and duct tape. His dad made it

I usually don’t go because I do a run-down in my head of what my symptoms might mean, and whether going to the doctor is just going to waste everyone’s time, or whether I can just self diagnose and go to the pharmacy tomorrow.

To see a good doctor? Yes it is.

Yay, thanks!!

No worries! Actually, it could be considered as either/both assault and sexual assault - the latter is simply defined as unwanted touching of a sexual nature. Given the circumstances and the way she reacted, you could argue that it falls under s. 265(1)(b), but it probably falls more squarely under sexual assault.

The law itself is consistent - we have one criminal code for the whole of the country. The provinces are only able to legislate “quasi-criminal” offences, which tend to be regulatory offences. Something like this wouldn’t fall under provincial jurisdiction.

I posted this below, but I’m reproducing it here because I usually turn up grey (I’m a Canadian lawyer):

It’s assault under the Criminal Code of Canada.

My kids’ school starts at 7:10 am and they have to ride a bus for 45 minutes to get there, so I have to get them up at about 5:45. I put them to bed at 8 every night (they are 12 and 10).

“Diddle” reminds me of “piddle”, which is an unfortunate word my mother in law uses for urination. And there’s a nasty old slang term for a child molester - kiddie diddler - which makes me viscerally dislike the word as term for masturbation.

I used a copper coil IUD, no hormones, for several years and it was the best BC I ever used. I had tons of problems with BCPs, even the low dose ones, so it was great to use a non-hormonal solution that I never had to think about.